
What privileges do you receive because of your socio-economic status?

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What privileges do you receive because of your socio-economic status?




  1. people look up to me automatically. they assume i have class. it's kind of funny.

    my parents both made six figures a year. it got me lots of good things, good school districts, a solid hand with money, and an amazing work ethic. i've always been priveliged, and well aware that all that money is my PARENTS money, not mine. i still have to earn my place.

  2. When I walk into a retail store that sells electronics and clothing, the clerks assume that I am a customer, not a thief.

  3. Privileges?  I don't think I have any really. I am just happy I have a home , utilities, food and access to YA.  LOL

  4. Growing up a dirt poor, many people expected me to be dumb as toast or a vagrant when I was growing up, or to be excessively religious for some reason.

  5. When I was growing up, we were pretty skint.  We got the necessities, but that's about it.  Now my parents are earning good money and can now afford all the luxuries they worked hard for 20 years for.  Which is great- they deserve it.

    This taught me to budget well, work hard, and eventually, (hopefully) I will also get my reward.  It taught me that money doesn't just fall into your lap - you have to work for it.

    I don't think I got too many privileges, but I don't think I got anything bad, either.

  6. This guy who calls himself flamespeak, opens the door everytime I enter my house.


  7. I get to eat whatever I want, for the most part buy clothes that are new (If I'm not feeling cheap - Value Village still rocks).  I have heat or cold when it's cold or hot.  I have running water, flushable toilets...I don't live in a tent.  I can access the internet.  There's a few more but I can't think of all of them right now.

    Essentially everything that I have is due to my socio-economic status.

  8. none...

  9. None!

  10. When I walk into a store I receive service immediately.  I have seen clerks ignore kids and minorities that are looking for assistance.  It never fails to irritate me, that they treat others with such judgment.

  11. I've been rich and I've been poor.  Rich is better.  

    I receive no privileges, other than those I take.

  12. none. i am a college student that works her a s s off and gets no welfare. i make 18,000 a year and my partner makes 12,000 a year. we're not poor because we don't spend money on crazy stuff, but we're definitely not rich. actually, we are in the worst class there is IMO;  for example, we make too much to get any kind of help with health care, etc, but we make far too little to afford good health care.  i don't have health coverage, and I'm trying to get my son on a new program for people who make less than certain amount per year, but it's not welfare since i will be paying for it.

    we need to reform the welfare system. it should be for people who work, who are trying but may need a little help not people who are sitting on their butt (unless they're disabled) and not contributing anything. i think that is why so many have problems with America's welfare system. i personally don't need or want help, but i would like to see all children covered when it comes to health insurance; it has been a battle to cover my son.

    ok, stepping off my soapbox now.

  13. i get it easy at court, i get my foot in the door but i'll eventually have to open my mouth, poor girls think i'm a college boy, getting too old for that one, decent credit, not quite a privilage, pretty well trusted.

  14. Almost everybody around here is middle-class, so it doesn't mean anything very often.  I don't get looked at weird like the few poor people around here do though, like I don't belong.

    I guess I don't get any real priviliges.

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