
What problems I might encounter in traveling around Europe by train?

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What problems I might encounter in traveling around Europe by train?




  1. Make sure you get tickets/reservations in addition to your Eurail Pass.  

    I once got kicked off a train in Italy because the concierge told me "no reservations" when I asked him if they were necessary.  I later found out he meant there were no reservations left!  The police were not very nice about it.

    Also, some countries require additional visas before you can enter.

  2. first of all these r promlems. 1  in europe time and trains wait fro none. so b right on time. 2 language b good in english 3. theft  keep urcurrency/passpot/ticket in waist belt. 4. people msut avoid loose/shabby and casualy dressed ones. esp ladies.5  food eat fresh 6 buy best but cheap tickets. 7 luggage  carry minimum possible. always keep city map. 9 never leave ur luggage even in toilets.if u r alone. always discourage black local or tracelling casually. while travelling in subways, try to stand before gate to embark/disembark quickly. dont hesitate to asking train no./station destination.always b attentive to what is said on publiv announcement both in train and stations and ask its meaning.

    there r bouble decker trains.  so try to sit up. try not to travell in the morning hours esp on mondays  and evening hours on weekends.

  3. XO is totally correct

    the best pickpockets in the world are in European mass transit systems.

    If you take reasonable precautions, you will be safe, they will move to an easier mark

    I watched a gypsy woman with a "baby" picking someone's pocket,.

    the baby was fake, all bundled up and the woman was free to reach out from beneath the blankets and search for people's valuables.

  4. The train  stops normally are very short, 1 to 2 minutes.

    Check in advance, if the train is reservation only, which is valid for most long distance trains in southern Europe.

    For the rest, behave like you would in the US (suppose you are US citizen), we don't eat Americans here.

    Don´t expect that everybody speaks English, but normally people will try to help you. Maybe let someone write your question down in the language of the country you are in.

    TRAVEL LIGHT! Never pack more than you can carry.

    Follow the rest of the advises and have a good trip. Welcome to Europe!

  5. some things to watch out for:

    1. gypsies- these people are VERY sneaky. you will often find them in very crowded areas, and they steal peoples bags and belongings.

    2. check your tickets- sometimes the attendants will put you in the wrong seat or section, so check to be sure of where you are supposed to sit.

    3. be early- dont be late or right on time for the train; be early.

    when i was in europe, it got to the train just as it was pulling away, even though it was at the scheduled time.

    have fun in europe!!!

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