
What problems are associated with the geosequestration of carbon dioxide?

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What problems are associated with the geosequestration of carbon dioxide?




  1. There's no problem with.  It's worked in the past...

    ...and there's no reason for it not to work now.

    It just works on its own time-frame.

  2. There isn't enough limestone in the world to hold it all, and even if there were where would you store it?  It would be a logistical nightmare.

    Beware any politican who would reccomend this.  They're either a moron or crooked.  Or both.

  3. Energy used for the capture and containment processes, permiability of substrata and the lack of suitable sites.  By the way, volcanoes release huge amounts of this naturally occuring compound as well as all animals and some other organisms.  Ditto for other "Green House" gasses.  

    We need to close the loop on our processes and not try to hide the "bad stuff".  We would best be served by using algaes and other flora to contain and recycle the troublesome gas.  Remember the "Fossile fuels" are bio fuels affected by time, temperature and pressure.  Their carbon was taken out of the atmosphere.

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