
What problems do Charities face?

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I have a Homework assignment, i'm writing an Introduction on Charities, i need a few points on what problems Charities face, then I can put them in my own words. Thankyou:)




  1. 1.Credibility





    6.Reach to benefactor

  2. Donations are down these days due to the recession, housing situation and job losses.  Additionally, since there has not been  a major catastrophic event in the USA, people assume all is well with the charities when it is not.  American Red Cross is laying off 1,000 people because of not enough money  has come in and they have to cut expenses.  Charities do NOT COMPETE against each other.  WE at American Red Cross cannot solicit funds in the same month as Salvation Army or any other charity that has that designated month.  It is called  "non compete" Much funding  is through United Way.  United Way then funds the charities by way f a percentage.  Charities also gather funds from grants,  both federal and local, private donations, foundation grants, donor dollars and gift/s  people leave in their wills.

    Most national charities have a specific function.  Some are to help the homeless, some are for clothing, some are food, some are shelter.  They all have a specific function, they work WITH each other, not against each other.

    Most large charities have signed agreements with each other to help in times of disaster and to support the clients.  By having different functions, clients needs can be met and not duplicated.

  3. Greedy folks using the funds for their own personal profit. It gives the charity a bad reputation, which is difficult for them to overcome.

    Example: A few years back, the "Make a Wish Foundation" had some bad press because of this. This is a great organization,, but people were reluctant to give after that news,

  4. Fundraising is the biggest, because each is "competing" with other causes.

    Another obstacle is the reluctance of donors to fund critical administrative needs, like rent, office equipment, computers, a copy machine (or a service contract or such), etc.; many people say "I don't want to give money to administrative costs; I want all of my program to go to direct service programs", even though, say, a copy machine might help the organization serve twice as many people.

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