
What problems do enterpenuer face in india?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know what problems does an enterpenuer has to face in India, those problems which he does not has to face if he would be some where else than India?




  1. Lack of Infrastructure. Lack of sincerity towards work, complicent attitude.

    Learn to use corruption to your advantage.

  2. India more preference is given to white collared jobs doctors,engineeers etc

    2.there is lack of encouragement frm family, society

    3.ignorance of oppurtunities (loans etc)

  3. compared to many countries India is better in many ways.

    You can welcome to start the company here.

    Even though there are some issues in starting as entrepreneur in India comparatively advantages are very high.

    1.Cheap work force

    2.Intellectual brains

    3.Strong reliable democratic country

    4.Highest GDP growth

    5.Strong economy etc.,

  4. Start up cost and time. I remember in my business classes that in some countries it can take a whole year and a whole years pay to start a company.

    Another issue that is starting right now, is that India is developing. Which means they want more money to work and produce. That makes the costs of goods and services higher than other countries near them; so exports are not in as much demand due to cost.

  5. Corruption, then more corruption and after that corruption

  6. lack of buyers.....poor

  7. I do not agree with Abbis, Adi and Bear at all.

    One requires certain degree of Patience, to start a project.

    You may take the help of following sites,


    In case you have already chosen a state, you may straightly contact Industry department of that state.

    Good Luck !!

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