
What problems do gymnasts get when older?

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What happens to gymnasts when they grow up? I heard their training is bad for them, but how exactly? I guess back problems, but anything else?




  1. As long as they don't get serious or permanent injury during their active career, probably nothing will happen to them.  

  2. Gymnastics is like any other sports.  I am sure that I need not list out the benefits of sports for you.  But if one does not train properly under competent coaches/guidance, then a person may adversely injure himself/herself.

  3. who cares... they are bendy now.. and thats what matters. ... see what I did there? by "bendy" I mean they'd be terrifically awesome to have s*x with.  Yeah ... just thought I'd make it clear.  

  4. they risk becoming paralyzed.

  5. i heard that they don't get a period

  6. A better question would be...what problem do they not have.  The list would be shorter.

  7. Ok think of the body like a machine, The more its used and them severeity of the use depends on how long it will be able to function its specific purpose in this case gymnastics. So its not realy specifc conditions they aquire its more of just how to say wear and tear. But some later on can get screwed up back disc plates and as they get older weak arms and legs wich i know sounds strange because their so built but when your that strong for so long and then you stop gymnastics and the vigerous lack of training its a serious shock to the body.

  8. They have 0 body fat, practically live on water and air. I can just imagine the problems they develop from malnutrition.  

  9. well all i know is that their growth gets stunted, so gymnasts arent ever as tall as they should be

  10. Joints!

    My wife's hip and shoulder are screwed up.

  11. It depends on the level of the gymnast, at a low level gymnastics isn't likely to cause any more problems than any other sport but at the elite level there can be a lot more problems.  A big part of the problem is that they are training at elite level whilst still very young and still growing.  Joints problems are almost a certainty with some ending up with hip replacements in their 30's.  Arthritis is a big problem and compression of the disks in the back.  Most other physical problems such as loss of mentrual cycle usually go away after training has stopped.

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