
What problems or questions do you think may never be solved by science? Why? Give examples?

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This question is related to Earth Science not social science.




  1. hmmm that's a hard one

    prolly the things that keep changing based on either cells evolving or space maturing

    and things that can't be kept constant

    like being able to develop a drug against certain viruses...

    they keep mutating and as soon as you have one solution,

    BAM there's a new strand

    but that's not to say NEVER will there be an answer found

  2. it really depends on which social science subject this question is in reference to.  For something like psychology, the typical answer would be something like consciousness.  This is mainly because the concept of consciousness is hard to define and there is no general agreement among researchers, thus making it hard to even define a starting point for investigation.  Also, no matter how advance imaging technologies and computations become, there's no exact location within the physical brain that can be pinpointed as responsible for generating the subjective experience of consciousness, which also leads to the problem of modeling it with computer simulations.  Most things that can't be explained by science are hard to define, subjective concepts.

  3. Science will never answer:

    Why people have the need to believe in religion? Or How God could control what God can?

    Why life exists, and then dies?

    When time started or when time ends?

    other then a bunch of opinion based question, I think with enough time science could prove or solve most questions and problems...

  4. Does God exist?  Yeah, that's an answer lots would give.

    I happen to work in a science based field, and I have no problems with evolution, the Big Bang, etc., etc.  But I also believe God exists, and that's based on faith.  Faith, I believe, is the essense of religion, and I sometimes think that people who feel compelled to argue against evolution, et al. do so because they are not sure of their Faith.  Can science explain Faith...yeah, I suppose the interconnection of neurons that results in the emotional state of "faith" may someday be documented; but how it works...hmmm, not so sure.

    One other thing science will never explain:  Why do some people let their dogs bark all night?

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