
What procedures are used for verifying a degree with a Japanese co.?

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If I have a degree, transcripts, letter from the university. All verifiable with a phone call or web link. What other ways can they or their government check for authenticity? Please don't answer if you don't know. Its aggravating for someone not in the know. I have to research your answers. It would be great for someone who works in Japan to answer. Arigoto




  1. For my intra-company transfer, a certified letter by itself was not good enough.  I had to send in my actual diploma.  I sent in a letter written by the university and had it stamped and approved by the dean's office and that still was not good enough.  My diploma was what they wanted.  

    As a supplement, I looked into these things and many US universities defer their verifications to a 3rd party clearing house.  This was done doe to a high amount of graduates needed degree verification.  That did not work for the Japanese immigration officials and thus my only option was to send in my diploma.  I made it very clear to human resources how uncomfortable I was about the issue.  Tokyo HR responded and returned the documents with no harm.  

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