
What product do I use to eliminate the white-colored film left on glassware after washing it in a dishwasher?

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I have city tap water which isn't bad at all. It's not that hard.




  1. The best thing I found was to turn off my heated dry cycle.  If the dishes are allowed to just dry, which they will do even though you turn off the heat option, the film does not get baked on.    In the winter I open the door to the dish washer after the wash and rinse and allow the heat into the kitchen as the dishes dry. You will have to take a cloth and dry the water that collects on some glass bottoms or coffee mugs. You will save electricity and have clearer glasses.   I have very hard water and if I use a heated dry cycle I get calcium residue on the bottoms of glasses and mugs.  

  2. Find a different kind of diswasher detergent that has the additive to prevent spots and the film.  You can also add this in the dispenser, separately or there are some you hang in there.  In addition, it really does sound like you have calcium buildup from hard water.  One way to tell is if you are replacing coffee makers every year.  Even cleaning with vinegar doesn't help after a while.

  3. Put about a cup of full strength vinegar in the rinse cycle and it will eliminate that problem. It's not the water as much as it is the detergent and vinegar will get rid of the detergent residue.

  4. In my user manual for my Miele dishwasher it states that using too much rinse aid causes this.  I was sceptical until I tried out adjusting the rinse aid dispenser.  Amazingly it worked, no more filmy glasses.  You can try soaking the glasses in white vinegar to see if it removes it but if it is really ingrained then it won't come out.

  5. I use Cascade Complete (the regular type, not w/bleach) and although it's more expensive than other brands, it also eliminates the need for any type of rinse agent or other product in the dishwasher. I've been using it since it first came on the market and am VERY pleased with the results. Rarely do I ever find a spot and never find the cloudiness on my glassware. It's just a really good product (and I don't say that about many of the cleaning products I buy these days).

  6. Chicagirl is right, but she didn't tell you to use White vinegar.  Cider vinegar won't do it.  Also use some rinse aid in your dishwasher.

  7. Basically it really isnt your water , it is the dishwasher detergent that causes the white film , You can get some Jet Dry rinse agent , or the Cascade crystal clear rinse agent , they do work good in getting rid of the film also you could pour some white vinegar into the place where the rince agent goes and that will work fine as well, Actually that is what i have done many times instead of buying the Jet dry , because it is alot cheaper and i got to noticing that they Jet dry says that it last for i think a month or 30 washes , but after about 12-15 my glasses started having that film on them again so that is when i basically started using the vinegar in the place of that .

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