
What product will really help energize me and keep me awake while driving on long trips?

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What product will really help energize me and keep me awake while driving on long trips?




  1. 1.  Keep the car cool.

    2.  Turn on the radio.

    3.  Eat something.

    4.  Find someone to talk to.

    5.  Pull over and walk around.

    6.  Get a good night’s sleep.

    7.  Stay hydrated.

    8.  Drink caffeine for a temporary fix.

    9.  Get someone to go on the trip with you.

    10.   Keep a wet towel or ice pack in a cooler.  Use it to put on your forehead, neck, and temples.

  2. the best product for you is sleep. pull over  and take a rest. it will be a lot safer. get out of the car and walk around. break your trip up into sections. you should only drive for about 8 hours strait and then take a rest for about a half hour or so. then only anther 4 hours  then you need to get some sleep, at least 8 hours before hitting the road again.  make sure you start out with a good night sleep as well.

  3. Proper rest and nutrition. That's the best advice I can give. If you get tired, pull over. Don't push for that "extra mile". It could be your last (or someone else's).

  4. When you are starting to feel tired the absolute safest thing to do is find a safe place to pull over and take a nap. Most of the energy drinks out there do not relieve the mental fatigue of driving. please pull the vehicle into a safe safe place and take a nap. Everyone's safety is at stake when you are tired behind the wheel.

  5. coffee as it has cafine but dont take it too much

    eat less before and or while journey

    keep few cans of redbull or relentless as it will energize u and not make u feel tired and sleepy

    always keep the radio on and dont keep mind idle

    either oncentrate or sing with the radio or somehting take a few drinks of redbull or relentless or coffee

    and alwyas take a good nap before the journey starts

  6. Coffee or Soda Works well. Also try this, if you start dosing off roll the driver window down. This blast of cold air will usually wake you up, I've done this several times. If you come to a point where neither one of these works, it's time to pull into a rest stop and sleep for a bit.

  7. A radio just turn it up real loud and your sure not to fall asleep

  8. coffee not decaff

  9. ive driven over 1000 miles nonstop after flying all the night before with jet lag, and i was about to hallucinate. but i would drink red bull and coffee  I worked in one city during the week and worked 13 hrs away on the weekends at one time and I would hit mcdonalds all night for coffee as they are open 24 hrs in florida

  10. A well rested body is best prior to a long trip. Do not fight drowsiness while driving, you are just stressing your body more. Take a short rest stop.

  11. pull of to the side of the road and sleep if you start to get tired

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