
What products aren't sold in Australia that you'd like there to be?

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What products aren't sold in Australia that you'd like there to be?




  1. in the night garden merchandise ie: the toys

  2. Zara clothing stores

  3. mmm Cadillac...

    or even an electric car.

    not the hybrid junk.

  4. For me it's not so much about products, more I'd like to see 'Made In Australia'..  Everything is made overseas now, mainly asian countrys, I mean the Australia flag is even made in China as well as all the stuffed Kanagroos and Koalas out there!

    Would also like to see the good old customer service back in Australia too, I can't remember the last time I spoke to an Aussie on the phone when you ring up any phone or computer company!

    ###  Edit - to user wjs142122 - The night garden merchandise is now in Target, books and DVD.  My 2 yr old loves it!

  5. I want a Topshop in Aus! And I also wish Nars cosmetics were more readily available.

  6. Babyliss products. I can't find them anywhere in Aus, even online. They have a really great straightener that I want, but shipping is so expensive from overseas :(

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