
What products can you not live without, and which do you think are a waste of money? (30 weeks)

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Just curious! Two of our 4 baby showers are next week (yes, four...people keep on throwing us showers!)




  1. Well the first thing that comes to mind would be the car seat, but that's obvious unless you want to be stuck at home all the time. I bought one that could be transitioned into a toddler seat, because I like to get longevity out of the things I buy. With my first daughter I bought TONS of stuff I thought was important but only used for a few months. The second time around, I bought a sling and it replaces all of the baby holding contraptions (swing, bouncy seat, etc.). I used it while cooking, cleaning, going out and about, whenever she was fussy, etc. I could even cook dinner and breasfeed while she was in the sling! Ahhh, the memories . . .

    I would say the most useless stuff you can buy for babies would be fancy clothes in size 0-3mo, and baby "toys" for 0-6mo. I didn't really use the changing table, but it doubled up as storage shelves, and I used it with both children. I did use a gate often as I have stairs and a monkey of a child.

    I'll never forget looking down and seeing my precious little infant sound asleep in her sling, snug up on her mommy. That's definitely the best 50 bucks I spent.

  2. Wipes warmer is definitely a waste of money.

    You can't have too many receiving blankets, they are multi-purposeful!

  3. Well a good stroller, it doesnt mean huge! Something comfortable for your baby to be in and maybe even sleep but not something that's as bulky as a car!

    exersaucer was great for my daughter she loved it and gave her something different to do while I was doing other stuff, cooking etc.

    Definitely a sling, to carry around your baby, it last till your baby is a toddler!! Great way to snuggle a newborn and calm a fussy baby just close to you!

    A portable high chair!! Best thing ever!! It attaches to a regular chair like a booster seat, but it also has a tray so it works as  regular high chair without occupying that much space! besides it folds up so you can take it with you to go out to a restaurant or on holidays. If you take the tray out it's also used as a booster seat!

    Baby swing my kids never used it that much, and they're fairly small so they grow out of it pretty quickly. Diaper bag... I just use a back up, it's much more confortable, since I can just put it on my shoulder and it holds lots more sutff!

    Oh I can definelty live without all those battery operated noisy toys! They look great the first time you see them, but when you have a child playing with certain noises aover and over and over again.. not good. Just get rattles, and toys that do make noise but arent battery operated.  

    Cloth books, always a favorite!

    Jolly jumper... I could have done without it no big deal at all. Not great but not bad.  If you dont have one, dont buy one!

    Lots of bibs!! For drooling and later on for eating! Many bottles if you plan to formula feed at some point! Don think one is enough! At least 4 or 5!

    What else... ah those toysThey are kind of the links of a chain, and in the end you can hook them to any toy your baby likes and attach it to the stroller! Great for going out with baby!

    Sorry if it was too long trying to think of many things!!

    Best of luck!

  4. We use our Skip Hop Pronto mini diapering kit a TON.  A few of my friends have since bought them, too, after seeing how convenient it is to grab it for short trips.

    We took back dozens of burp cloths.  People said we *had* to have them, but since we were doing laundry so often, anyway, we only needed a few.

  5. i loved my diaper champ. i did not like the diaper genie at all. the one thing i couldnt live with out was my handmade diaper bag. it was big and girly. it was black with white polka dots with a big hot pink bow on the handle. kinda looked like an oversized quilted purse. i loved it.

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