
What program can I use to complete my animation?

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I have made one of those animations where you make a person out of modelling clay and take loads of pictures and when you put it all together it looks like it's moving. Like Wallace & Gromit. Anyway I've tried putting it together on Windows Movie Maker and Microsoft Powerpoint, but both of them took too long to move on to the next picture. So what program should I use?





  1. well, making stop motion takes A LOT of time! I dont know of anything free. There is tons of free trials for ya. the others cost money. i suggest you use Windows Movie Maker. And How Long is it? If it was over 30 seconds, I'm amazed!

  2. your on the right programme. i had the same problem when i did "stop animation train crash" (youtube) go to windows movie maker and go on the timeline. to the bottom left, there are 2 magnifying glasses ( bottom left ) click the one with the + in and it'll zoom in. keep on zooming in until you have one second. then ajust the size and length of clip. good luck. contakt me if you need any more help ;-)

  3. Don't use windows movie Maker to actually shoot or compile your animation together. You should use a program specifically designed for stop-motion animation purposes to actually compile your movie, then edit your larger clips afterwards in a video editing program like Windows Movie Maker. An animation program will make it easier to arrange, re-arrange, add and delete single frames. Typically, playing around with multiple single frames is kind of difficult and bothersome in video editors since they weren't designed with frame by frame animation as a primary function in mind.

    o actually frame-grab and compile the movie, I'd suggest using Monkeyjam if you're on a PC. It's free.

    AnimatorDV: Simple+ became freeware.

    If you're on a Mac, you could try Framethief or FramebyFrame.

    You can also check out this website for other stop motion animation programs; some free, some retail. I haven't used any of them (other than Stop Motion Pro) so I couldn't tell you if the rest of their features were any good or not, but at least it gives you other options.

    For any specific questions, you should check out

    It's a message board filled with stop motion animators helping eachother out. They even have a handbook section that has basic answers and info on a variety of stop motion topics (armatures, sets, cameras, etc)

    Here are some online resources about the basic principles of animation. These principles can and should be applied to any genre or medium you choose to work in, whether that be drawn, CGI, or stop motion animation.

    If you need more help or info, let me know.

  4. Scratch, it's free and on most platforms. Mac, Windows, Linux etc. :D

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