
What program is better...PhotoShop or Aperture?

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I've used PhotoShop for a long time & I have never used Aperture before....and I'm going into Photography.




  1. Those are two different programs.

    Adobe Photoshop is to do fine editing. Apple Aperture is for work flow--as in, working with a lot of photos at once.

    Adobe has a similar (and recently updated) program called Lightroom. Look here

    I could not live without it

  2. Photoshop definately!!!!

  3. stay with what you know; photoshop is amazingly good, and somewhat compliated... and if youre going into photography, its all about being productive...

    and really, it matters not a jot what software you use, if your images are poor, then no software will make it good... merely acceptable.

    for some reason everyone who picks up a camera decides they want to be either bailey or salgardo... well, heres a heads up... it might look easy... but it isnt... before you even press the button you done a dozen things... and checked 20 more...

    i know, ive been a photographer for 30 years, teaching for 10...

    we (as photogrqphers) try to do it in the camera... retouching cropping editing etc are fine... but we all strive to get it right, first time in the camera.. now maybe thats coz i trained and learned on 35mm... but these days i use a pro Olympus... and i still dont produce duff images.

    last shoot i did i shot 1200 frames, of which i discarded less than 30 shots (mailny coz people walked in front of the camera)

    photoshop is a graphic artists wet dream.. but all they do is compile pages... others, (thats us) give them the raw materials to work with...

    and dont let em tell you any different...

    good luck, e me if you want to chat.  

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