
What program is there to use my PC's modem as a telephone?

by Guest64100  |  earlier

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When I bought my first computer in the late 90's there was a program that used my modem as a telephone to make and receive calls using my home phone number. Because it actually used my physical phone line at home there were no fees like with Skype. My question is, has anyone seen a program around lately like this. My PC long since burnt out and I can't find a program like that one. Someone please help.




  1. It depends on what computer you have and  if you have satilite,cable or dial up. If you have a windows computer and cable or satitlite. you can get a cable modem and it will not interfer with you're phone line from walmart not that exspencive. Or if you have a imac you will have to contact myapple to get a dial-up modem from them and that is $50.00 but is simple. but you share you're phone with it. If on the computer then you can't use you're phone. Good luck!

  2. NCH Swift Sound has a full suite of software that interfaces a PC with standard PSTN telephone lines.

    You just need a Voice Modem installed in your PC to interface with the phone line.

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