
What program should I use to make a custom logo?

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I want a program where i can start from scratch and make an original background or logo that looks professional.




  1. PaintShop works quite well. You could also use Fireworks (Macromedia Studio). Adobe Illistrator is also very popular with graphic artists. You might start with some sketches and scan them in first and use any of the above or even Photoshop to modify them.

    If you have to go cheapo, MS Paint will work, but it may take a while for anything fancy.

  2. J2EE Tutorials-

  3. photoshop cs cs2 or cs3

  4. Photoshop is probably best (but expensive). Gimp is a free alternative.

  5. Photoshop is good, but Illustrator has real power when i comes to creating something.

    It will be vector based, which gives it infinite scalability (pin-head size to billboard size) without pixellating.

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