
What program should i use to create a GUI

by  |  earlier

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i am learning how to use Java.

As compiler, i use Eclipse.

What program should i use to create a GUI which runs with my Java codes?

What program can you recommend me?





  1. USe Netbeans 6.1 and it has  inbuilt swing support , and you can use it .

    just look at the tutorials , btw iam also using netbeans as a beginner for swing , so we can share more at

  2. I don't know anything about Eclipse (I'm a notepad guy), but if the IDE you're using doesn't have a GUI designer built-in, it could be hard to add a GUI to the program. I'd recommend coding it yourself, especially if it doesn't need to look perfect.

    Java's UI library is called Swing (there's also AWT, but Swing is built on it and it's recommended to use Swing instead). While you could position and size controls/components on a JFrame yourself, containers support Layout Managers that maintain a certain arrangement of the controls within the container (boxes, grids, row by row in the order added [the default]) and some even maintain sizing. When you use a GUI designer in an IDE, it's usually just going to generate code (a class type extending JFrame typically) that creates your designed window/form/frame[whatever you call it].

    I'll link the Swing tutorial from Sun Microsystems below. The first one is the main Swing tutorial. The link on that page called "Laying Out Components Within a Container" will describe, well, what the title says, how to use layout managers or just position and size the controls explicitly.

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