
What programs are available for the disabled in buying a home/ is there government grants or what?

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is there any home buying program's for people who are disabled and receive social security. are there any type of government grants to help an individual as such




  1. In most states in America there is a first homeowners association which will help you and inform you on home purchasing. I am not aware of government grants, but Habitat for Humanity may help you. They are listed in your local telephone book.

  2. National Home of Your Own Alliance

    (Center for Housing and New Community Economics) [CHANCE]

    You can also google "Disability Homeownership".

  3. Yes, but you're already receiving your government grant.  It's called "Social Security."  I don't believe you get any more free money just because you've decided to buy a house.

  4. Yes and no.  On the federal level (USA) no.  Federal programs like HUD and FHA may e able to help--but they have no disability oriented programs.

    In SOME states there are programs to help. The best way to find out is to contact your state Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. They may not handle such programs (if any) but will know of them and can put you in contact.  Alternatively, contact local disability advocacy groups--again,they will have the information you need.

    Most of the time, unfortunaely, what programs do exist are primarily for providing assistance in modifying a home you already own, rather han helping you get one in the first place.

  5. HUD Homeownership vouchers

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