
What programs are good for writing dvds?

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I just bought some dvd rw, and I want to make some dvds

can I take the mpeg file and make em dvds?

what5s the difference in dvd rw and dvd r disks?

what programs are good and easy to make the dvds?





  1. nero 8 is impeccable.

  2. my husband uses Nero, and has for awhile now

  3. what programs are good for writing dvds? <-- nero, roxio (i prefer nero)

    can I take the mpeg file and make em dvds? <-- i know i've taken mpegs, and wmv files and burned them to cd's with nero full version, i'm not sure about burning them to dvds. however, you can get other software to convert them for you (if you can't with nero), and then burn them to dvd.

    what5s the difference in dvd rw and dvd r disks? <-- dvd-rw are rewritable (meaning, you can erase them and use them again). dvd+r (i use +r, rather than -r), or dvd-r, are one time copy (meaning you can't erase them). i have a dvd recorder (rather than a vcr), and i use dvd-rw's. i watch what i want, and if i decide i want to keep it, i copy the content, edit it, then burn to dvd, then i erase the dvd-rw's and use them again.

    what programs are good and easy to make the dvds? <-- nero

  4. Roxio

  5. Nero

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