
What programs can I use to keep track of my flight hours?

by Guest21419  |  earlier

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I am looking for a program to keep track of my flight hours and details electronically. I want to know some names of programs you know of or you have used.

Also, if I where to loose my hard copy of my flight hours, is the electronic log just as creditable?




  1. try

    over 200,000 results.

    there are many out there that are free.

    Personally, I use a Excel spread sheet I made myself.

  2. Please just write them in your (paper & leather) logbook and add them up when you need to.  Your old-fashioned logbook will never have a hard disk crash or a bad battery, and it has a place for instructors' endorsements, and other official notices in the back.

    And when you go for a checkride, all you have to do is pull it out and show it to the examiner.  Much simpler, more reliable, and more durable.

  3. Logbook Pro is used by many(my brother too)

  4. I use Logbook Pro (  Its reporting capabilities are great.

    Even with my electronic copy, I keep a printout of my logbook as well.  Logbook Pro has a report that will print out the pages in the exact format of a Jeppesen logbook.  If you want an official looking logbook, they sell binders and pages, but it's pretty expensive.  I did it anyway because it looks really professional.  You also need somewhere to keep your endorsements.

    Yes, the electronic log is credible.  If you lose a logbook, you are allowed to reconstruct it using anything you have available: flight receipts, previous 8710 forms, etc.  Just provide a signed statement stating how you reconstructed the hours and that you did not falsify any of your flight experience.  An electronic logbook is an even better way because it represents your actual logbook, not a reconstruciton.

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