
What progress if any has Japan made in prosecuting Chinishiro Mada of Super Free Rape Club in Japan?

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I would like to know if the slimy scum has been prosecuted & found guilty at all? What is with this Rapeman Movie in Japan? How is this acceptable by Japanese Society and is actually a very popular movie?




  1. Wada was sentenced to 14 years in prison and serving now.

    Other 13 members were also sentenced to 2-10 years in prison.

  2. This all happened about 5 yrs ago.  Just noticed it?  It's a sad case since Monster Wada was indicted for only three rapes. Wikipedia states that on November 2, 2004, the district court sentenced him to 14 years in prison. He appealed the verdict. On June 2, 2005, the high court upheld the original sentence.  November 1, 2005, the Supreme Court of Justice upheld the original sentence.

    While the involvement of the Japanese "elite" has certainly been a central point of the reporting of the case, some experts argue that where the students come from had no bearing on their behaviour.

    "The case shows that Japanese men, especially young men are, contaminated with a rape myth that a girl who joins a party wants to have s*x," says Satoshi Sugita, a philosophy professor who recently published The Politics of Rape.

    "Although having s*x is totally different from being raped, men strongly believe that the two things are the same. It is because of an ideology that has spread in Japan through pornography... About 80 to 90 per cent of male high school students have seen an adult video, whose typical plot is a man raping a woman after having gotten her drunk."

    It's not just Japan society, women are discounted throughout the world still.  So primitive.  We need to educate our youths.

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