
What projection screen should I get?

by  |  earlier

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I have a space where I have 98" tops widthwise, and 100 height wise, so I was wondering what screen I should get to go with my projecter? I found this one:

(scroll down to the $119 one that is 96" by 96", also I realize that all of the people in the reviews said they had to send it back because of poor shipping, but that's fine with me if I have to send it back once to get a good deal)

I plan on using my screen in 16:9 format, but because this is large both ways it seemed a much better deal than buying a very expensive 16:9 screen.

So my question is: is this screen a good buy? will it give me an image as good as other screens, or is it made of cheap material or has some other flaw, and if so, what screen would you reccomend?




  1. You get what you pay for ... and a $100 screen is pretty cheap (Good screens cost up into the $3000+ range!)

    It's preferable to mask or frame the outline of a screen with black non-reflective material, so buying larger than you intend to use is ill-advised.

    Normally you would pick a screen based on the room and projector you intend to use. For example the size of the room determines seating position, which defines screen size. The projector aspect ratio (partially) determines screen aspect ratio, and the contrast ratio and brightness of the projector get considered in choosing screen colour (grey or white) and the screen gain.

    For some good advice see the articles under "commentary" at the 1st link.

    You may also wish to consider making your own screen. This is particulalry attractive for a fixed screen (vs retractable), and you can build a screen for less than $100 that rivals $1000+ commnercial screens. The 1st link below has an article on one approach using photo paper, the 2nd link is to a step by step directions for another approach and the 3rd link is to a DIY Screen forum that describes a number of different approaches (paint on drywall, blackout cloth or the current favourite ... a sheet of masonite (specific colour and brand)glued to the wall.

    I've built two screens and highly advise it if you have any handyman skills. It saves money and is very satisfying to know you built it.

    Hope this helps.

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