
What projector screen should I buy for my Home Theater Projector??

by  |  earlier

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Is this one good enough?

This is my projector:

Thanks!!! I NEED it to be they really make a difference if I'm not a TV expert?




  1. They make a HUGE difference. It can enhance the quality of any projector. But yes, the short answer is that it makes all the difference. A good fixed 100' screen is about $2,500 so you can imagine how good that $50 is. Quality wise wont be any better than hanging a sheet but I guess the installation will look nicer.

  2. Screens are not all the same. Anything under a few hundred dollars is likely to be questionable.

    I'd suggest making one. I've made two -- one by painting a drywall surface, and one on a wood frame using Blackout Cloth -- for under $100 each.  Comparison to $1000 commercial screen material showed little difference.

    See the links for some ideas.

    The big advantage is you get a lot of satisfaction out of doing it, and you save a bundle.

    If you want to buy one, consider Carada (4th Link) or SeymourAV (company at third link).

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