
What project(preferably a working model) can i make on the topics ENERGY RESOURCES,AGRICULTURE AND FOOD?

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What project(preferably a working model) can i make on the topics ENERGY RESOURCES,AGRICULTURE AND FOOD?




  1. Not completely understanding what your asking, I believe what you want is a project model of something that combines energy production(?) with agricultural food/ farming. If so, here is an idea.

    This first part is what got me interested in this idea and is not the project proposed, but more a preamble, and you will see why if you read on.

    While studying at the university I spent a little time at the livestock facility. One thing that I was really taken with was a system of automatically "mucking out" the facility. The floor, which was concrete, had a slow moving bar (a squeegee) that was pulled across the floor by a chair set in a recess. As this bar moved slowly by it collected all the manure and waste material, dropped food, etc and it pulled this to the end of the concrete slab where it ran off to a pit. At that point the bar would move back, but as it was hinged in one direction, it folded up out of the way until it was back at the far end. It would then reverse direction, opening back up to a locked and spread position to catch manure and repeat the process. My first thought, and I had to ask, was "Don't the cows get tripped when the bar hits their hooves? I know it is only moving about a foot in a minute but, don't they fall down?" I was told to watch, with a smile on the technicians face, and sure enough, as soon as the bar hit the cows hoof, it just stepped over it, on hoof at a time, about as inconvenienced as a fly on it's butt. They learn quick it's no big deal. Well, all the muck from this building, which is just a long cement slab with a roof held up by a row of columns and a double row of feed troughs, is pulled to and runs in to a huge pond. It is a massive pond of watery mud in which a tractor is sat on the bank and it's PTO is hooked up to a shaft with a propeller that churns this mess to keep it aerated and decomposing.


    This is the point, and the project. You have a farm, and with that as most facilities, you have organic waste. Given you have some cows or horses, you have manure. A lot or a little but you have to deal with it, and you have green waste. This is a great way to produce bio-gas; methane. Given a series of digesters, methane is produced and used on the facility. It is heating the residence, making hot water, heating the greenhouse which is in turn producing a lot of produce and a lot of green waste to go in the digesters, and could possibly even be growing farm fish in tanks, which also may require some heat. That methane may even power a generator. As the digesters kick out well digested slop, that can go back on the fields, or could be bagged and sold.

    The project may appear to be like a circle diagram with the farm yard at 12:00, the greenhouse at 3:00, the digesters at 6:00, the return system at 9:00, to the greenhouse again at 12:00 to start again. The whole thing is an easy model but can almost be made working.

    Give me a holler if you want more info, I accept emails, and what ever you end up doing, good luck. These projects are always a lot of fun. It's how I got started where I am a long time back.

  2. a scale model cornfield

    with the advent of biodiesel made of corn it is an energy resource

    corn is an agricultarul crop

    corn is edible

  3. yes i can help with that  i deal in the alternitive energy. wind turbines that are rated at  5kw need  8 mph wind,this is easily acomplished by raising the  heigh of the wind  turbine to 12 m  i can  have installed to your sight  for less then 15,000d  never pay for electric again,it will work

  4. Start out with actual soybeans and/or canola (rape seed), produced by agriculture.  Then show a sample of the food products made from them.  There are many, especially with soybeans, including the cooking oils.  Now for the energy part and the demonstration part.  Show how biodiesel is made from the oils to run your farm machinery, automobiles, heat your home, and animal housing on the farm.  This demonstration can be a simple graph design on how to make your own biodiesel or an actual demonstration of you making the fuel.  The following link will show you how you can make your own biodiesel.

  5. There is a very old way of moving and collecting water to use it for farming. The water is collected in a open top spoon shape container. There is then a pipe that runs off of that in various directions down hill of course. That is where the energy comes into play. As the water moves down hill it picks up speed. That water is then used by the farmers to water their crops which in turn produce food.

  6. you might look into bio diesel

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