
What proof do we have that Noah was a real person?

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Some people seem to believe that he is a myth?




  1. Geologically there is no proof of a world wide flood occurring.  So that part is probably myth or at best a tall tale.  Could it have been a localized flood that seemed really big likely.  Now as far as the whole Noah story, the only record of a "Noah" is in the bible.  However it does bear a very similar tale to a previous written story by the Sumerians I believe.  So there is reason to believe the story was plagiarized.  Imagine that, in the bible too.  

  2. um... nothing... wheres all that water gone???

    how do u get 2 of billions of animals on one small boat... LOL

  3. Jesus Christ refers to him as being real.

  4. We won't be able to find a stone with his address chiseled on it but the people that lived back then kept detailed geneologies; when Adam was 130 years old he begat Seth, who begat Enos when he was 105 yrs old, who begat Cainan, who begat Mahalaleel, who begat Jared, who begat Enoch, who begat Methuselah, who begat Lamech, who begat Noah.  Moses recorded all that had gone on before him and they continued to keep that type of record through the period of The Judges, the period of The Kings, to Daniel and beyond.  

    I think Josephus (the historian) wrote about him in 93 A.D., too.

    I don't know my great great grandpa's names but Jesus knew his, all the way back to Adam.  It's all written down.

    And the Sumerian thing.  They, and everyone else (Chinese, Black, Arabs, Indians, Whites, etc.) are all descendants of Noah and his family.

  5. Noah is not mentioned outside the Bible.  If you accept the Bible as God's word then Noah was real.  

    A larger question is this:  Was the Flood real?  There is ample evidence that there were several areas that flooded catastrophically from about 10,000BC to 5,000BC.  These include the Persian Gulf about 10-12,000 years ago as well as the Black Sea about 7,000 years ago.  In addition to these ice age related floods there were the Missoula Floods in the Pacific Northwest.  Here an ice dam blocked the Clark Fork River filling Glacial Lake Missoula around 50 times over a 2,000 year period some 10,000 years ago.  Each time the ice dam failed causing huge floods that engulfed central Washington State and the Willamette River Valley in Oregon.  Finally, the sea level rose some 400-500 feet as the last ice age started to recede.  Thus, there is ample evidence to support flooding on a world wide level.

  6. The bible should be proof enough

  7. We have no proof whatsoever.  

    Given that, doesn't it make a lot of sense that he could be a myth?

    EDIT: The person above me is clearly a moron.

    Deuteronomy 22:28-29   "This is what you must do when a man rapes a virgin who isn't engaged. When the crime is discovered, the man who had sexual intercourse with her must give the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she will become his wife. Since he raped her, he can never divorce her as long as he lives."

  8. look. he is in the bible and the bible never lies. he is real

  9. There is no proof at all that Noah was real. The tales about him are so full of nonsense that they cannot be true. He is just a poor copy of the Sumerian Utnapishtim who had a boat 4 times as big as Noah's.

  10. If you want him to be real and if you believe in god then he is real.

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