
What proof is there that children born to younger parents don't "turn out" as good?

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My mom had me when she was 18 and I don't think im that bad. I graduated from a top university, never done drugs, or smoked, never drink, never been to jail or even gotten a driver's ticket. (I hate to sound like I am bragging, but I am trying to prove a point).




  1. i was 1 month shy of my 23rd birthday when i had my son. of course he wasn't planned, but i feel like he is the best thing in my life, even when he refuses to sleep and throws squished up green beans at me. my mother was 21 when she had me. i also graduated high school with honors, am still in college and on the Dean's list (even with a child), also never had a ticket, never got into any trouble as a kid, etc.

    i think age is irrelevant. sure, you are more grounded when you're older, but you can be a good mother at any age if you want to be. i also think it helps when the mother/father has a good support system. i do and it helped. that's why we should stop condemning young parents. they're already parents, no need to scold. support and help if you're really concerned about that child.

  2. Like others said...Google it.  There are many studies done on this.  Just because you are an exception does not mean you are the norm.

  3. There are too many to list. Here's one study from Brigham-Young for starters:

    Brookings Institute:

    Your mother lived in a different time. It's not the same anymore.

  4. It has little to do with age.  Just how able you are.

    Before modern medicine, people were birthing children in the early teens.  Back then, 14 was easily considered an adult since people didn't live nearly as long as they do now.  This also meant they had to mature faster mentally.

    Nowadays, people are taking longer to mature.  Of course, the school system is not helping any.

  5. There's no scientific data and if there is any data, it's probably done with only a small sample size.

    It depends on how "mature" the parents are and not the age.

    Sounds to me that your parents are very responsible and mature.  As am I.  =)

  6. I suspect there's some cause and effect confusion here, in that young mothers are more likely to be from lower socioeconomic strata. In other words, a girl who's irresponsible enough to get knocked up in high school and keep the baby is probably going to transfer her irresponsibility to the child, who will then grow up to behave irresponsibly herself. If I were to read a study on this, I would want to know that it had been carefully corrected for factors like income, education, marriage rate, and ethnicity. I suspect that a study that was would show little difference.

  7. You are in the minority, whether you choose to believe or not.  Many studies undertaken to ascertain how children of younger mothers fare upon reaching adulthood have shown their prognoses bleak, indeed.  More are incarcerated, fewer are college-educated, and more are addicts.  Left unsaid in the equation is whether the younger (it is hoped) father stayed around to help; if not, then you only need look to the black experience in America over the last 40 years to see how well most of those children have done.

  8. I think it's unfair that mothers can be judged solely by age rather than ability. Clearly your mother did a good job. I find it just another form of discrimination.

  9. the parent most likely hasn't go threw as much as a parent that had their child at say the age 29 their is no real proof but more experience at living should help you with making better choices

  10. If you had young parents and you turned out well, then consider yourself lucky. In some situations, young parents mature quickly enough to be able to raise their children well, but for the most part young parents struggle financially and emotionally under the burden of having to raise children, and the children end up experiencing many difficulties as a result.

  11. I don't think you are bragging!! Pat yourself and your mom on the back!! Alot of people now days need something or someone to blame for things that are wrong with the world today. And this seems to be the group that is getting it. But I think most are talking about 10-16 year old, that most are speaking about. Or at least that is the group they are speaking of in my area! Take care and keep up the good work!

  12. I am not aware of any studies that say they don't "turn out as good," but there are numerous studies that show children who are born to younger parents have a much higher chance of growing up in poverty, and the younger the couple is when they marry, the more likely their marriage is to fail. Of course there are always exceptions.

  13. Typically a young woman cannot afford to provide her child(ren) with the same possibilities that a parent who has a higher education can.  I will guess that your mother had a strong support system and help from her family.

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