
What proof is there that humans evolved from "stuff" and not made by a higher power?

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If I'm just made of stuff without purpose, why don't I just do whatever I want, or die trying!




  1. and what proof is there that we were made by a higher power ?

    neither can be explained so believe what you want to believe.

  2. Honestly, there is no proof for that we evolved from stuff. You can say the enzymatic RNA could have started the RNA world and eventually the DNA world and then simple organisms, but there are just hypothesies at this time. In my opinion, I believe we came from a creator and not by enzymatic RNA (which is the best argument to date). Studying Molecular Biology makes you appreciate how complex life is and how ordered/organized it can actually be. Random reactions occuring could not produce the higher order complexity you see today. If somebody throws in evolution into my argument, then that to has its flaws.

    good luck.

  3. The way the question is posed is a false duality.  It frames the question is if there are only two choices, evolution or "higher power"(HP), whatever that means.  By posing the question in this way, any doubt about evolution is considered evidence for HP.  That is, the poser of the question need not show any physical evidence for HP, while the proponents of evolution are required to provide all the physical evidence for any question that is posed.  To level the playing field, the poser of the question should provide all of the physical evidence for the existence and properties of HPs.  The poser must also provide physical evidence as to why there are only two possibilities instead of three, four, or any number.

  4. we were created by God, the only God

    and if you want some rock solid evidence..

    may i recommend watching dr kent hovind dvds.. im not kidding if you want me to send you a copy of the set id be more than willing! this guy explains

  5. maybe you should take a biological anthropology class ?  or some type of anthropology class. i think this would be an ontological question o_o

  6. Define "evolved from stuff".  Honestly this is a pretty bad attempt.  And that psuedo-intellectual response from the poser molecular biology student is laughable.  We can dispute how the first cell arose, we can dispute the mechanisms of evolution.  There are two things that are absolutely indisputable: 1. All organisms on earth today share a common ancestor; and 2. Evolution is inevitable when you have selective pressure on a system with random variation and self replication.  Run any computer simulation, test any short generation organism, look at the fossil record, the list goes on.  For people not to accept these two indisputable facts is an act of intellectual suicide.  It's the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and crying over and over again "Evolution can't be true, evolution can't be true, evolution can't be true.......".

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