
What proportion of my pay should I donate to charity?

by Guest57679  |  earlier

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I am considering donating a percentage of my salary to good causes. How much should I give? And how do I decide what charities to give to?

My partner and I both work full-time (good jobs). No kids.




  1. How about 5% of your income and 5% of your spare time?  Perhaps this is something that you could do with your partner?

    There are various sites on the internet that compare charities - just make sure it is something that you really believe in.

    Well done for considering it - go for it and you won't look back!

  2. I think it totally depends on what your income is compared to your monthly expenses. You could make $5,000/month but if your rent is $4,000, plus car insurance, gas, food, toiletries, etc... Obviously you don't have a lot to donate.

    I've heard that the average (or suggested) amount to donate is 3-5% of your annual net income. So, if you make $50,000/year and take home $35,000 (depending on taxes where you live) then you would donate $1,050 - $1,750 per year.

    I think I donate about 3% of my net income per year. I have a few organizations that I make a pre-set monthly donation to (just comes off my credit card - so I hardly notice it) and those are the best because while they add up in the long-run, right now it's such a small amount ($33/month for a child sponsorship).

    As for deciding which charities to give to, that's really a personal decision. I look at two things: (A) what has affected me and my family or friends and which charities support that and (B) what am I passionate about.

    For (A), I decided that both the Cancer Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation were important because they've helped my family in the past - whether through grieving or during illness. I'm sure you have someone in your family or close friends who have had cancer, MS, are going blind, etc. It's easy to find an organization that supports things like this.

    For (B), I'm especially passionate about public services, especially in Africa. That means that I feel everyone in the world, regardless of race, money, etc, has a basic right to free education, free health care and free, clean water. Oxfam does amazing things in the area of public services, so I donate to them. I also sponsor a child through SOS Children's Villages.

    Good luck! Do your research and you can't go wrong.

  3. How much does your favourite charity (You) need before donating to other charities.

    I live in Canada.  I donate to Sleeping Children Around the World In Islington Ontario.  They take nothing! from a donation.  In fact volunteers have to pay their own expenses overseas. Verify and get pamphlet . 21 Pinehurst Crescent

    Islington Ontario Canada  M9A 3A5

  4. it's really up to you. haha that's probably not helpful. it depends on if you're going to split it between charities or if you're going to make a monthly/yearly/weekly/whatever repeat contribution to a certain organization. to pick a charity, think of an issue you care about (can be really general... health, environment, poverty, etc) and look around online. it's also really cool to find smaller local nonprofits becasue if you think about it, the american heart association, or make-a-wish, or whatever get SO much money. but yeah, congrats for doing this in the first place!

  5. There are many worthy charities that would welcome your donation.  You  need to find a charity that you are passionate about, that you believe in and are willing to support long term.

    Ask friends what charities they support, that might be a good start.  Usually, close friends are like-minded.

    Or volunteer at some local nonprofit organizations to see what they do, believe in and who they help to see if they match up with your beliefs and passions.

    My husband and I try to give at least 10% of our income to charity each month.  We support Campus Crusade for Christ, Build the Future (South Africa aid), American Diabetes Association, Alzheimer's Association plus we have a jeans day (pay $5.00 to wear jeans) at work each month for different charities and a couple missionaries.

    As long as you can afford to give, give as much as you can because the blessings come back to you 10 fold.  It's truly amazing!

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