
What prospects are there after a degree in Geoscience?

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What prospects are there after a degree in Geoscience?




  1. It depends on your degree.

    Many people (who don't know much about the field) will tell you that there are only government and teaching jobs in geology.  This may seem true if you don't live in an area that has an active geology-related industry (oil & gas, mining).

    If you want to go into environmental or hydro, then there are plenty of jobs just about anywhere.

    Mining and Oil are off the hook right now.  I have a very difficult time finding undergraduate field assistants in western Canada because they're all working for mineral exploration companies for $200+ per day (these are summer jobs).  Once you graduate (with a BS) $300+ is pretty common in British Columbia. Sedimentology/stratigraphy students with Master's degrees are getting picked up in Houston for $100,000+ per start! (no exaggeration!)

    From my experience, I think I can give two sound pieces of advice.

    1.  Get a Master's degree.

    2.  Decide which industry you want to work in and then get a Master's degree at a University that large companies within that industry recruit at.

    Good luck!

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