
What proves and disprooves the theory of Global Warming?

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Can you lot give me some pointers or facts that prove and disproove the theory of Global Warming?

Links would be cool too, cheers!





  1. there is no way to prove global warming because there is not control area to study,since all areas change over time you cannot use data collected for real science. since there is no way to prove it,to disprove it is impossible

  2. 1





  3. It is not that complicated . Just look at Gore that says it will destroy the world . Does he believe in it I don't think so....

  4. global warming is real but not caused by human activity. heres 1 of my two probable answers. as acomet stuck earth killing the dinosaurs leaving a dust cloub blocking out the sun creating an ice age. and before the KT event as its called the tempurates were warmer than they are now. so the earth was on its warm cycle [i believe it was on it's peak] then the comet disrupts the cycle then when the cloud cleared the earth is trying to reach an equalibrium to finish its warm part of the cycle, thus making a period of rapid heating. that is my therom and my other 1 is this I belive global warming is real but not mans fault. that earth goes in a cycle of wam and hot weather, during the last days of the dinosaurs KT event created a dust cloud and blocked the sun right? and the weather before the KT event was warm more than now. so I belive as the dust cloud cleared and fell to earth the sun retrned,as the dust cloud fell it took massive amounts of gases with it,mainly co2 and nitrogen as this fell to the ground co2 levels lowered. then humans evolved during the ice age and eventualy we found that carbon burned eaisly releasing co2 into the atomosphere. and eldgely global warming is caused by the gas. but in the martian atomosphere wich is 95% co2 the hottest recorded temp.  is -17 degrees celsius. isn't co2 supposed too make things hotter? also another claim to support my therom they found dinosaur fossils at the south pole! wich means it was once warm enough to support a large marine reptile.wich also means the ice wasn't there either, sound like a cycle yet?also yet another bit of evidence is the fact that where the mississippi was was once an inland sea making the eastcoast a peinsula and there have been many periods of time where certain areas of land were once ocean and seas were once holes the meddaterainan for example about 5.5 million years ago

    the meddetarian was a gapping hole in the earth but when EU seperated from africa water filled the gorge makeing a new don't you see this has happened before the earth is always changing... but i tend to like the first one better

  5. It's too complicated and subtle a science to really know much for sure.  That is how you know off the bat that the doomsday claims are way, way off.

    From a previous post:

    According to Reid Bryson, in the first 30 feet of atmosphere the % of reflected energy absorbed by water vapor is 80%, while CO2 is 0.08%[1]. He eloquently notes that "you can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide."

    PhysicsWorld in 2003 had a good summary of the role of water vapor in global warming [2].

    How does the extra water vapor alter cloud formation? Why rule out water vapor and cloud cover blocking more energy from the sun as water vapor increases?

    Solar magnetic warming is left out of models used by RealClimate and IPCC/NASA. Evidence that solar magnetic warming increases cloud cover can be found here[3]. When Gavin Schmitt leaves this out of his models, it stops being science and starts being advocacy statistics.

    It wasn't the Industrial Revolution that started the warming, but the end of the Little Ice Age. Some groups in Europe have blamed the Industrial Revolution for all the ills of the world long before AGW came along, and they will find a new reason to if AGW stops working.

    Swiss cheese has less holes than AGW, and believers cannot deny that politicians will mis-use to it increase taxes.

    It's not that it has no proof, it's just that AGW believers use critical thinking against every scenario but their own. The models are not realistic at all!

  6. The correlation between historic solar activity and historic climate change disproves man-made global warming theory.

    The correlation between current solar activity and Earth's current warming trend disproves man-made global warming theory.

    The correlation between current solar activity and climate change on the other celestial bodies of the solar system disproves man-made global warming theory.

    The ice core samples demonstrating CO2 lags temperature change by 800 years disproves man-made global warming theory.

    The inaccuracy of any and all climate predicting models to date disproves man-made global warming theory.

  7. See the link below for a summary of the science.

  8. There is no theory of global warming. A theory must be written in such a way as it can be disproved under some condition. If you read carefully, you'll see all of the global warming crying and hand wringing has no condition under which it's adherents will accept it is false. That makes global warming simple hysteria, or maybe it's becoming a religion. The religious ferver they show sure makes it look like some kind of religion.

    Taking a scientific approach, I researched several scientific databases. After reading the NASA data where they talk about how the surface temperature of all nine planets in the solar system is rising in direct relationship to their distance from the sun (except Jupiter which is also warming from it's own internal heat), and how they measured that - I don't worry about global warming anymore.

    I can't change the heat output of the sun nor the solar cycles, nor can I change the surface temperatures of the other planets. These things are simply beyond my power to even influence.

  9. Global warming is real, but it's not just greenhouse gas.

    Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars all show signs of global warming.

    If we continue to have few sun spots, you can expect people to start talking about global cooling again.  

    Do a google search on "Maunder Minimum" to find out why.

  10. I  dont know im only 95 years old

  11. Prove - knowledge and intelligence

    Disprove - ignorance


    The Basic Scientific Understanding:

    Basic Fossil Fuel Facts - an indispensable condensed explanation, at the end of a letter addressed to Governor Gibbons of Nevada by Jim Hansen. (It starts on page 5, but the letter is very good too.)

    Climate Code Red: The case for a sustainability emergency - a great summary of the science up to the start of this year, giving the crisis the urgency it deserves.


    Understanding and Attributing Climate Change - IPCC makes the case.

    Detecting and Attributing External Influences on the Climate System: A Review of Recent Advances - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

    Assessing key vulnerabilities and the risk from climate change - the IPCC's take on what's at stake.

    The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity, Executive Summary - U.S. Dept of Agriculture

    Global Warming Fact & Our Future - National Academy of Sciences covers almost every angle in a great interactive website.

    Special Report: Climate Change - covers the crisis from many angles.

    The Science Behind the Science and Why it can be trusted:

    Scientists Explain How They Attribute Climate-Change Data - A Wall Street Journal article shows why the science can be trusted.

    Models 'key to climate forecasts' - BBC's examination of our most powerful tool in understanding global warming.

    Addressing Doubt:

    Climate change: A guide for the perplexed - has great links covering many of the questions people naturally have when first confronted by the enormity of global warming.

    Skeptical Science: Examining the science of global warming skepticism

    MORE READING Best Global Warming Blogs:

    Climate Progress

    Real Climate

    Climate Feedback


    Related Websites:

    Climatic Research Unit

    Hadley Center for Climate Prediction

    Jim Hansen

    National Snow and Ice Data Center

    Climate Ark

    NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

    United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

    Books (you can find on

    With Speed and Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change by Fred Pearce -

    h**l and High Water: Global Warming--the Solution and the Politics--and What We Should Do by Joseph Romm

    The Discovery of Global Warming by Spencer R. Weart

    Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Surprising Truth About Global Warming by Mark Bowen

    Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning by George Monbiot, Matthew Prescott

    The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World's Greatest Challenge by Kristin Dow, Thomas E. Downing

    The Revenge of Gaia: Earth's Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity by James Lovelock, Crispin Tickell

  13. its a natural process the world goes through! the only thing different is its happening faster then we thought it would. people are freaking out because there is no way to really stop it from coming! no matter what its going to happen, the magnetic fields [north and south pole] being  to reverse, which weakens the earth defense system to pollution and during this time global warming takes place.

  14. You never "prove" anything in science.  You can find evidence to support it, but there is always a chance that new evidence will change what we know.

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