
What provides more energy? Wind turbines or solar panals?

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What provides more energy? Wind turbines or solar panals?




  1. I dont know the answer for that but I am a solar fan...because I live in sunny Italy. I dont regret my choice as I got lots of money back from the state & I do re-sell my energy.

    I do think its the future but I wouldnt go for it yet if I live in a country with cloudy sky....

    Just do your research, check out solar sites & wind sites and then compare with  US gov one. It has answers without selling point.

    Good luck!

  2. This is simple. The sun is the primary driver of the winds here on Earth, so I would say, "NO DIFFERENCE".

  3. This is the wrong Q. What we need is solar in warm places and wind turbines where the wind blows. Geothermal where it is hot just under the surface.

  4. For a given square footage if both are installed in a good location for their respective needs, wind supplies more energy by far.

  5. idk bc some places has more wind then others

    and some places has more sun then others

    but i think solar bc they can store the energy

    but i could be wrong

  6. In general as far as dollars spent per kw hour wind is cheaper unless you live in a very bright calm place.

  7. If you are talking about the USA, all you have to do is go to the EIA.  In 2006 (last year available), wind generated 25.8 billion kWh of electricity for the grid, while solar generated 0.5 billion kWh.

  8. Wind by far.  But the bird huggers don't want them, because a bird could get hurt.

  9. Depends upon where you live.  Here in northwestern Michigan, solar panels are tinted skylights.  In Arizona, wind turbines are big bird blenders.  Best thing to do, if you're going off-grid, is diversify.  And reduce energy consumption through lifestyle changes.

  10. Neither. It is dark and the wind is calm.

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