
What ps3 games do you have?

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and please also tell me what was your first ps3 game out of them. what games would you recommend as the first 2 games to get for a ps3?

please no jack @$$e$ answer




  1. I only have Metal Gear Solid 4 and Guitar Hero 3. Lol. My PS3 was expensive when I bought it on July 26th. I could barely get anything with it. Metal Gear Solid 4 really entertains me. It's a massive game. However, I plan to get in the future:

    Killzone 1 and 2 (Killzone 1 is on PS2, but the Sony website says it will play on my 80GB.)

    Resistance 1 and 2




    Sonic Unleashed

    Guitar Hero World Tour

    And lots more.

    I did rent and beat Uncharted and Heavenly Sword.

  2. Heavenly Sword <--(First game - came with PS3)

    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Call of Duty 4

    Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    The Orange Box


    Condemned 2: Bloodshot

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Rock Band

    I would recommend The Orange Box first of all (if you like shooters) because it's 5 games in 1 and you can get it right now for $30. It's one of my favorite games and I've played Team Fortress 2 for around 200 hours and I still play it (played it 2 hours ago).

    Secondly, I would recommend (out of my list) either Metal Gear Solid 4 or Rock Band.

    Upcoming games I am going to buy (and recommend) are Resistance 2, BioShock, and LittleBigPlanet.

  3. I could only buy one game at the time I bought my PS3, so right now I only have MGS4.

    But I am considering buying Uncharted Drake's Fortune ( I want it bad) and Bioshock when it comes out

    Yea, I don't have that many games right now, but I'm very picky when it comes to picking games :)

    I have however, played almost the full campaign of Resistance: Fall of Man at my friend's house.

    I'd recommend getting MGS4 as one of them, and the other being your choice, but my recommendations are:




    ( upcoming)


    Resistance 2


  4. gta4, fall of men, call of duty

  5. Unfortunaetly I only have one game. GTA IV. Its good though.

    BUT I am getting LittleBigPlanet and possibly COD4. I would reccomend GTA IV.

  6. I have 40gb PS3 with about 20 games, they are:

    NBA 2k8


    Assassins Creed

    Army OF two

    Heavenly Sword


    Metal Gear Solid 4

    F1 racing game

    Enchanted Arms

    Dynasty Warriors 6


    All Pro Football 2k8

    Medal Of Honor: airborne

    GTA IV

    Call Of Duty 4


    Rainbow Six Vegas 2


    Harry Potter

    Genji days of the blade

    And my first games was the Assassin's creed, Uncharted and NBA 2k8 - They were all bundled when I bought my Ps3 ;-)

    I suggest getting Call Of Duty 4 or choose any of those above.

    Goodluck ;-)

  7. Hevenly swords, Guitar Hero 3, and Areosmith, Army of two, Assassin's creed, Rockband, Rainbow 6 vegas, and Lost world

  8. I has; Army of Two, Assassin's Creed, Beowulf (but "someone!" lost the disc!), Burnout : Paradise, Guitar Hero 3, GTA IV, MGS 4, Motorstorm, Resistance : FoM & Smackdown Vs Raw 2008.

    When I bought the PS3 it came with Motorstorm & Resistance : FoM. The first two games that I would suggest would have to be Grand Theft Auto IV & Metal Gear Solid 4.

    Both are just brilliant.

  9. k

  10. Uncharted



    The Orange Box

    Assassins Creed

    Ratchet and Clank


    CoD 3

    GTA 4

    i also has Resistance but I loaned it to someone and they move to Denmark -_-".

    Between now and Christmas the best 2 games will be Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet [exlcusives too].

    Already out the best two are CoD 4 and MGS4.

    Although limiting yourself to two is quite hard, theres loads of amazing games coming this Autumn.

    I just got Uncharted yesterday to get the Trophies, it is really a lot fo un. If you are into Trophy hoarding get it instead of one of the game i reccomended.

  11. COD3 - dnon't buy it - Treyarch sucks

    Def Jam - The Icon - worst fighting game I've ever played (sold it already)

    Resistance - nice FPS

    Virtua Fighter 5 - very good fighting game

    Ratchet and Clank - TOD - very sweet game, while playing it I felt like I\m in Pixar movie

    GTA IV - very good game

    P.S. As soon as I'll get my paycheck - I'm buying MGS 4.

  12. Uhh my first wold technically be Motorstorm as it came with the system.

    All games:


    Guitar Hero 3

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Assassin's Creed

    The Orange Box

    Call of Duty 4


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