
What psyhcological effects would this have on a person?

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if they grew up living their life with parents with no job or friends that barely taught their child anything while they were a kid? and that are also very pessimistic & critical of everything




  1. It depends on the person, his environment outside his home, friends, self-awareness, will, ambition... Unfortunately, low self esteem will most  likely be at the center of this person's psychological profile. The good part is that a person from this background has access to a lot of help  and info in this regard. Learning to Love, Value and Respect himself are the heart of the solution.

  2. the child will grow up having a difficult time being social. person could probably hind their feelings well. have a hard time trusting people. and is prbably clingy with friends he has cause scared of rejection and very critical of themselves

  3. It depends on the child. Did the child go to school?  Did the child have access to books? This person can be happy if she wants to just like anyone else.

    A very famous American psychologist, Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), said "I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness."  

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