
What public holidays do you have in Lebanon???

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We have a day off this week to go to the Ekka which is a show where country meets city. There are cattle shows, produce, wood chopping events etc....does Lebanon have anything like this??




  1. well there's 4th of u know what it is?


    yalla.. go ahead guess it...

    u didnt guess yet?!!!

    come on!! try a bit more :D

    well... it's.....



    u didn't guess what is the 4th of march???

    it's Naomi's birthday :D.. dont tell me u dont know abt this!! :O!! HOW!! HOW COME?? WHY? THEY SHOULD'VE TOLD U >:(

    it's CNN's fault.. Noone informed them to announce my birthday... pffttt... ******* media!!

  2. We have a holiday on Friday the 15th, it's the celebration of the assumption of Virgin Mary ( being taken bodily to Heaven after her death )'s an official holiday here in Lebanon, so we will have a lonnnnng weekend.

    On this day most people join in celebration of the mass in their towns (Muslims and Christians join in the celebration) and then there are games, fireworks and feasts that go on all night until dawn. We get no sleep on the night of the 14-15th

  3. nadia you dont understand she ask the manager if he had diapers and high chairs and bibs for her tow babies meaning me and my bro . how can that not be abuse? no other mom would do that to there kids only mine would do something like wouldnt do that? its not fair she said that. It was only ketchup everything would have been cool if that stupid manager didnt comeover and said something. The ppl in front of us would even have notice there was ketchup on there clothes. she called us babies in front off ppl and some stupid mother came up to my mother in mcdonalds and told her she extra binkys and pampers in her car if she wanted them. Its not fair i want to report my mom for abuse for saying those things you know? It was only a purse we got ketchup on the lady said it was a coach it cost her 300 bucks. she was crying over a purse.  

  4. It is what Kate said, we have a public holiday and that's the day of the assumption of the Virgin Mary.

    It is a BIG DAY especially in the villages, fireworks, dinners, dances, sometimes even concerts..

    you should come join us in such events soon, you'll love them and you'll enjoy yourself, and the kids will have fun as well :)

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