
What public places in austin Texas hire 15 year old?

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I am turning 15 and i really want a first job. Any ideas?

(Besides babysitting, mowing lawns, lemonade stand, etc...)




  1. Randalls hired me when I was 15, but HEB is better if you can get it (not sure if they hire under 18 though.)

  2. H.E.B will hire, and at Target you can always apply even if they are not looking for help!

    Buss or mop boys are always being looked for at any restaurants, but expect you to be more likely excepted at a not so high class place just based on your appearance.

    Good Luck!


  3. Okay,under federal law,you have to be sixteen to work most non farm jobs. And since you're still in school,you can only work four hours a day.

    Have one of your parents take you to the nearest office of Texas Workforce Commission and ask the Customer Service rep for an "Age of Consent" form. Get your parent to fill it out ,sign it,and mail it to the address on it to Austin. This is your Work Permit.

    While you're waiting,take your birth certificate ,and Social Security card to Texas Department of Public Safety and get an "Under 21 " ID card.

    Click on "Register As Job Seeker".

    Enter all your personal info ,education level,work history(if you have any) or experience,desired job,desired pay and what part of town you want to work in (or just enter "Austin Area").

    Make sure you enter your home address,email address,phone number(s) so when employers see your resume,they will be able to contact you.

    In your case,the best I can recommend is fast food. But we all had to start somewhere. Keep your file updated by visiting it at least once every three weeks and every time you leave one job for another,update your file again.

    Once your permit arrives,you'll have to submit a photo copy of it with your application till you turn sixteen.

    Another peice of advice,PLEASE dress up and DON'T wear a hat. Put on a long sleeve shirt and tie. Yes,it might kill you for a couple of hours,but this is for work.

    The DAY before you go to apply,write down all your work history,addresses and phone numbers of references,and who to contact in case of an emergency.

    Bring a pen and two pencils. You may not believe this but yes,your future employer is looking at you from head to toe and wondering if you're worth the expense of training to do the job he/she is offering,and how are you going to put some coin in their pocket.

    Get there at 9:00 on the dot. DO NOT ever show up at noon or later. For most businesses this is a very busy time and won't have time to see you. It's very rare,but SOMETIMES your future employer will have some extra time and decide to interview you right there and then. Got it?

    Good luck.

  4. Grocery stores are always a good bet.

    Also, food service chains, etc.

  5. im having the same problem pal.

    The little gym in the homestead shopping center does.

    you just teach little kids how to roll and what not.

    if you find anything let me know please.

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