
What puerto rico political color are u voting for?

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1) red







  1. green!!!!

  2. Can you explain me what is this hehehe, I'm Serious. I'm Boricua but I dont know what are you talking about. Please explain it to me xD. Ba bye!!

  3. I do not use colors, but check if the positions of the candidates match my preferences in mayor issues.  

    For example:

    * for governor I'm inclined to blue,

    * for Resident Commissioner I am not convinced by neither of the blue lawyer or red banker.  Probably give the orange one my vote if I did not reach to a desicion

    * but for the mayor of the city where I live, the red candidate has my vote

    * in the Senate I'm still checking the options available at large and by District.

    * for Representative at large the green candidate, due to the "auditor" role the people have assigned to the green party Representatives.  They are not getting elected with those large numbers for their status ideals, you know.

    * for Representative by Precinct, still evaluating alternatives.


    For clarification as requested by NatydeMariovg -°°:

    There are 4 polithical parties participating in the general elections (not counting small groups that present candidates just locally for a specific town mayor or representative precinct).  The major polithical parties have colors associated to them and widely used in their propaganda:

    Blue: New Progressive Party / Partido Nuevo Progresista or PNP (pro statehood party)

    Red: Popular Democratic Party / Partido Popular Democratico or PPD (pro current status party)

    Green: Puertorrican Independent Party / Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño PIP (pro independence)

    Orange: Puertorricans in favor of PR Party / Partido Puertorriqueños por PR or PPR  (non status centered party, more like an environmentalist party).  Ussually parties like this one are called green party, but in PR's polithics the color green is already taken/associated to PIP.

  4. Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!! Puerto Rico: the 51th state.

  5. BLUE

  6. My selection is BLACK.

    All the options are basically the same.

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