
What punishment is my son going to face?

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Here is the story: Yestarday my son was arrested. He stabbed a "popular" girl at his school who would make fun of him about his weight. He gave her moderate stab wounds. He is 16 years old and as far as I know is Considered a minor in the Unites States. Please realize that I do not encourage what he did, I just want to know what punishment he will most likely face.




  1. aggravated assault for sure, assault with a deadly weapon (maybe) is what he'll most likely be charged with. he'll be getting jail time, nevertheless. hard to say for how long though. it all depends. The girls family will probably be pressing charges also.  

  2. This is very serious and you must not waive any of his constitutional rights.  That means, he must have a lawyer and not speak with anybody about this offense without his lawyer present.  They will likely try to have him charged as an adult with aggravated assault.  This could carry a significant prison term.  The government is not your friend, and the more information or cooperation you give, the worse they will be.  If you son cooperates without any deal up front, he looses all leverage and will essentially be giving enough information to convict of the most serious offense while giving the DA no reason whatsover to negotiate with plea deal.

  3. If he is charged as a minor, worst would be juvenile detention until 21.  If he gets charged as an adult.  the hookie for 10+ is a possibility

  4. Woah...butcher's knife???

    I don't know much about the legal system but that definitely is not good. To me it shows that he was planning to attack and it could definitely have killed her.

    What was he trying to do? Scar her so that she wouldn't be popular anymore and would probably get teased about it?

  5. If you get a smart lawyer he should be able to get him into a diversion program.  But he needs therapy immediately.

    By the way what did he stab her with?  If it was a knife he brought with that purpose in mind or was it a protractor that he just happened to have in hand?  This could be used to show premeditation, and effect the outcome.

  6. Depends on what charges were filed and what state you live in.  Also, depends on if he will take a plea bargain if offered or go to trial.  Could be anything from Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Injury to Attempted Murder.  That could result in probabtion, a split sentence or active prison time in a juvenile detention facility.

  7. Every state in the United States has various laws regarding prosecution of criminal acts by minors.  Most, if not all, do allow for a a minor to be prosecuted as an adult for crimes of violence or certain class acts, or as a multiple offender.  Without details about what your D.A. plans to do, or the specific laws in your state, no one can answer that question with any certainty.   It is likely that your son will remanded to the Detention Facility of the Department  of Youth Services for an indefinite period.  That may be till he is 19, or when the courts determine to release him from custody.

  8. he will go 2 juvyuntil hes 18. he probally will not stay longer if hes good and learns a lesson.  they will say that his state of mind was out of whack from being bullied by another student. they will send him to n alternative school and he will have to see a shrink on a regular basis.  

  9. thats sad that this happened. i feeel for you. and all this for your son being made fun of for his weight, it prolly made him feel the lowest, some people just dont think before they do something and then it causes this. i feel bad for him sorta. but prolly juvie. im sure he wasnt trying to kill her,just hurt like she did him...

    juvie then definantly anger managment ,ect.

  10. Regardless of his intent he will probably be charged as an adult for attempted murder.  I hope he goes to jail.  Perhaps he can be on the receiving end of a knife.

  11. woah

    sorry i dont know

    but some ppl just cant handle it anymore, and do things they shouldnt im not encouraging it, but thats what the girl gets for being evil, maybe he was just sick and tired of it

  12. thats not really enough information to make an educated guess.. but it really depends a lot of what you do. How good a lawyer you get, etc. You could probably manage to get him treatment in a mental health facility or even home confinement

  13. personally. thats a pretty S****y thing to do. a guy stab a girl? i men i thought a guy hitting a girl was wrong. but stab? my guess is that he will probbly be tried as an adult. your best defense is to use the boys age and  weight as leverage for why he did this. it could be considered an "emotional crime" or something like that since he is a teenager and probably already driving himself crazy about self image. Having a popular girl make fun of a guys weight is going to kill his self esteem. Now that i think about it. He has every right to stand up for his self esteem. if it was a crime of passion then you must show that he did not get up that morning planning to stab her. You have to show that he didnt bring a knife to school for the purpose of causing harm. Honestly i can see what could motivate him to stab her. That it truly a crappy situation.

      The rule seems to follow a trend of "a life for a life" so if the girl didnt die he probably wont be sentenced to life or death.

    honestly she probably deserved it. some of those little b++++es need to be stabbed. but d**n. he actually did it. i applaud him doing what he needs to do to keep his sense of self intact. but there are many more non violent humiliating ways to do it. i guess he could expect anywhere from 1-6 years for something like that. depends on if he feels remorse for the victim as well.

  14. Although he only intended to HARM her, if she has a good lawyer that can argue that it WAS attempted murder, then he could be tried as an adult (even though he is 16). It all depends on how good her lawyer is and the attitude of the judge. Your son could face a very tough jail sentence.

    School violence is treated very seriously now. The judicial system will not be lenient on him.

  15. It depends. He could end up in Juvenile Detention or he could be tried as an adult in court, which would lead to a jail term I think. He can also come out with just mandatory community service or something like that. It'll just depend on the judge and jury if he ends up in court. It can go either way.

    What did he stab the girl with? He shouldn't be carrying weapons and as a minor you are responsible for that. You don't encourage bad behavior but they act out all the time. Teens also are more influenced by their peers, so if he gets out with no jail or juvie, make sure you tell him to talk to you about what's bothering him. Or introduce him to Yahoo!Answers and tell him to ask us anything and someone will tell him what to do in any situation he needs help in.  

  16. He will more than likely have to serve probation and pay some fines and do community service. If he did this at school then he might have to go to an alternative school for kids that break the rules. It all just depends on what the judge decides. He is still considered a minor.

  17. That depends on the State you are in.  Juvenile court is very different from adult criminal court.  For example, juveniles are not entitled to a jury trial or bail (unless they are tried as adults).  This decision is left up to the judge and the prosecutor.

    With a felony conviction for attempted murder, the punishment is imprisonment.  I suggest getting a good juvenile criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.


    He can be tried for attempted murder in the 1st degree if these factors are satisfied (to prove intention to kill):

       1) planning the attack

       2) selection and use of a deadly weapon

       3) threats

       4) intentional use of weapon toward victim

  18. actually you should be ashamed you raised a son like that ! stabbing a girl for calling him fat ? I wonder what he would do if he got fired someday, perhaps burn out an entire neighborhood , or invade Iran !

  19. First of all he is considered a juvenile, so that may be one thing to his advantage.  However, depending on the severity of her wounds that will be a consideration and since it seems that he planned this he could be looking at a few years in juvenile detention and possibly going to jail after he turns 18.  He is definitely going to be facing attempted murder with a deadly weapon, this is was not in self defense. He may have not wanted to murder her, however the judge will not look at it that way. Anytime you decide you are going to carry out a malicious act with a weapon, it is considered attempted murder whether that person dies or not. So be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.  Good Luck and I wish you the best.  

  20. Probation, alternative learning center, jail for determined years when of age, are just some of what might happen. It depends on the judge he gets. Most likely Juvey, then when old enough, he'll be sent to jail.

  21. Use of weapons of any kind are a serious offense in the United States, but sadly bullying is a national pastime and you find it in every place from the White House down.  Society in the United States loves bullying and I doubt anyone cares enough to change things.  Nothing has changed from Columbine or any other mass attacks.  

    Your son needs to get counseling and learn skills to avoid evil bullying children.  In the end the bullies do not get punished but those who fight back do.  It is a sad state of affairs in the country and something needs to be changed, but that cannot happen unless someone cares.

    If he is charged as an adult probably prison, if he is charged as a juvenile, detention (about the same).  

    But what he really needs to do is study bullying in the US and learn ways to avoid it and not lash out at them.  It is not fair, but it is the people of the US's choice.  

    Although there are those who would say this is not true, look at the statistics, and words are just lips flapping and actions are the truth.

  22. If it was a weapon  he stab ed her with they will probally wait till he is 18 and put him in prison..

    since its consider'd a felonly, depending on the your lawyer it could be a long or short period of time.

    I have no conformation on my sayings, so please dont take my word

  23. You can see where his problem is if his mother sticks up for him even though she admits he stabbed her repeatedly.  he very well could have killed her by puncturing a major vein or artery.  He needs to be punished to the full extent of the law.  He is dangerous with obvious mental issues.  Why did you single out the word "popular"?  jealousy perhaps?  you sound like you condone his you?  if he has a weight problem, put him on a diet. it is unhealthy to begin with.  sounds like you both need professional help. I hope you get it. I hope this opens your eyes.

  24. Get a good lawyer!!

    A good lawyer may be able to get it pled down to a lower charge. This may save him from prison -- time in juvenile is better.

  25. hopefully they will chagre him as a kid bcuz often time they chagre kids as adults.most likely he will go to juvie ..probably two years probation wen he gets home n do remember that will b on his record affecting certain thinks in his future.i wish him well. it doesnt matter it u think e didn attemt to murder her because most ppl say that and once you hurt someone then u cud av killed them.

  26. He will probably go to a correctional facility for minors (its like jail but for young kids)..not to make u sad, but some police officers will put kids this age in real jail to teach them a lesson

  27. considering his age, he may very well be charged as an adult. there's a lot of variables that can happen. were the wounds severe enough to be considered attempted murder? that carries a LARGE sentence of 10 + years (can go all the way through a life sentence). will it be considered assault? still a large sentence. even if he were charged as a minor, he can receive years of prison. he can receive up to his 21st birthday. they will transfer him out of juvy at 18.

    your best bet is to consult the lawyer working on your sons case or hire a lawyer for the case. they will know the charges the DA plans on pursuing.  

  28. HOPEFULLY he will be charged as an adult, convicted of attempted murder and be held accountable.

    You should buy him this book....

  29. juvie till 18 then to a correction center for say 5 years if his lawyer is good enuf to convince the judge that it wasnt for murder.

  30. In mnay states he is old enough to be charged as an adult for attempted murder.  He will likely be looking at some very hard time.  Words are not considered an excuse for violence.

  31. Depends:

    - Her wounds

    - What he used to stab her with

    - And did he try to hurt or kill her

    If she's got a few scratcthes and he stabbed her with a pen just to midly hurt her, he may get away with a warning due to his age.

    And it also depends on how good his lawyer is.

    If he actually wounded her (like something that can leave a scar) and used a blade to really hurt or even kill her, then he is looking at jail for about 10 years, or a detention center.

    Maybe he will even get pshychiatry if he's very lucky

    And it also depends on how good his lawyer is.

    If he used a butcher's knife then im sorry but jail is inevitable, and he deserves it, you don't go stabbing people if you don't like them, it's a part of life. Sorry.

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