
What punishment should these two get if found guilty??

by  |  earlier

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What punishment WILL they get??? At best... a "naughty boys don't do it again, or'll get a caution next time" worst a (short) stint at one of HM's holiday camps, er, sorry prisons...with state of the art gymnasia, a flat screen TV, DVD, computer and computer games, a pool table etc....I bet they'll regret doing it and won't dare do anything like that again (heavy sarcasm).




  1. Even if you don't agree with the woman telling them to stop smoking they were in the wrong by assaulting her and causing her to be injured.

    It will be classed as serious assault and depending on their past history will be dealt with accordingly.  

  2. It depends what happened, If she was just lightly nudged, then they might get away with it. But if it caused bodily harm to her, the punishment would reflect on how hurt she was.

    If they held her down onto the tracks when a train was coming, they would be in deep trouble.

    I wouldn't imagen it would go as far as inprisonment sentances.

  3. Well if the woman had left them alone it wouldn't have happened.

    That's the price you pay for being an interfering busybody.

    I would let the guys off with a caution.

  4. Non if it was accidental, and the woman was being a pain in the a***

  5. The victim was brought up in an age when it was perfectly reasonable to point out to someone that what he was doing was prohibited and to ask him to stop it. Unfortunately one does this at one's peril nowadays, which is an indication of how far society has regressed in its behaviour. Of course, we don't know what exactly took place, but I have seen a young man attacked and kicked in his private parts for politely but firmly objecting to someone smoking in a London Transport train and I know that I wouldn't dare raise an objection if I were to see someone smoking. To fracture her wrist and bruise her legs, the woman must have been pushed right onto the track and fallen down. This is appalling behaviour towards a woman more than twice their average age and could have led to more serious injury still or even to death. In some cases the person pushed onto the line is not the only victim and I once saw the ashen face of a London Underground driver who had to brake sharply because two young lads were dangling their pal over the (overground) track and he thought that he was about to run him down. Train drivers often suffer nervous breakdowns when there are incidents like this.

    I would be inclined towards lengthy Community Service and generous compensation to the victim.

  6. i think they will get off lightly, but i think i heard on the radio that there gonna go to jail.

    for how long, who knows probably like a month  

  7. I enjoyed your heavy sarcasm but I do think they should be put away for it, for a very long time.

  8. I bet the parent of these yobs are very proud - shouting at the telly in their ghetto while they smoke some pot at the taxpayers expense - that the old bag got what she deserved.

    On the other hand the vast majority of the *educated* populace will be appalled.

    They should be done both for attempted murder and smoking on the platform. And banned from railway stations.

    I would like to know why the men were not asked to top by railway staff and if refused escorted from the premises and fined.

  9. She got what she deserved. Next time she won't be so quick to be a busybody.

    It was an open air station and they were having a smoke. She walked the length of the platform to have a go at them.

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