
What punishments would i face military wise if i were arrested while serving in the Army?

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What punishments would i face military wise if i were arrested while serving in the Army?




  1. That would depend on the exact nature of the offense; the military will not stand in the way of civil authorities and you will be surrendered to them without any doubt.  The issue that will remain from the military's point of view is how exactly they will separate you from service, with or without prejudice; without prejudice you will be given a general discharge for 'other than honorable conditions' and with prejudice you can be charged for making yourself absent without leave during the time you are in custody.  

  2. If you committed a crime worthy of a full court martial, you could end up spending time in a Leavenworth, a military prison.   If it is not something of the felony nature, you will probably just be discharged and have to face whatever local authority you were arrested by, assuming the offense happened in the United States.  If it happened overseas, expect a court martial.

  3. hmmm.

  4. It would depend on what you were accused of and rather the local D.A. was willing to turn you over to the Provost Marshals office or if they preferred to prosecute you in a civilian court.

    However I wouldn't rely on double jeopardy to get you off the hook if the D.A. takes the case. some times there are " ADMINISTRATIVE " restrictions placed on soldiers facing criminal charges in a civilian court.

  5. More than likely you wouldn't face any type of military justice.  The Army particulary prefers to allow civil justice judicate the matter.  Also, there have been recent changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice granting double jeapordy protection to Soldiers, meaning that even if we wanted to, we cannot punish a Soldier facing any type of civil penalties.  One caveat, however, before you go off thinking you can do what you want and not face military justice - one or two civil arrests can be used to justify separation.

  6. you will be dishonorably discharged and possible time in a military prison which is way way worse than any federal prison in AMERICA...dude in my opinion dont do anything stupid  

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