
What purpose do cockaroaches have in the circle of life?

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Really? wouldnt we survive without them?




  1. Yes we would survive

    Cockroaches serve no purpose here

    ^^ =p get lost filthy cockroaches XD

  2. All I would guess is they help clean up waste if thats what they eat??  They help keep the world cleaned up as nasty as they are.

  3. Today, cockroaches are just considered to be pests: they're hard to exterminate, they make asthma worse, and they can transmit diseases since they eat p**p.  However, back in the day, it seems some people would grind up cockroaches to use as medicine.

  4. yes there are f***ing GROSS

  5. I'm pretty sure they're just there to feed other smaller creatures. However, I wouldn't be sad if they were all exterminated.

  6. Their purpose is solely to be ugly and make woman scream. (Like me!)

  7. I'd think so.

    I honestly don't think they have a purpose but to make our lives more disgusting just like lice, why do we need them here? They just infest our heads and make it a pain to kill them.

  8. They eat waste and are in turn food for larger animals. Believe it or not they are even a viable protein source for humans.

  9. carrion eaters.

    yes there are lots of different types

  10. I would be fine without them. The thought AND the word make me nauseated for some reason. I mean literally make me feel physical discomfort. Is this normal everybody?

  11. well we can survive!! but cockroaches once was the helper to keep the enviroment!!! but because of the logging the cockroaches will follow the logger to find home and if the logger goes to the city the cockroach sread in the city but they are usually from the forest i think

  12. i had one in my hotel room the other year named Fred that was making it's stupid little noise everytime i tried to get some sleep. Walking to the bathroom with the light off I trod on it and it let off it's screeching noise which scared the sh** out of me. I had the last laugh though, half a can of pest killer and that bad boy had a one way ticket to cockroach heaven, what a scary place that must be. Sorry Fred, it was just your time.

  13. hahaha i love you ^____^

    I have no idea, they sure don't seem important.

  14. Only God knows the answer. I guess they are here for us to eat and to fight against bad pests. Good Luck with finding the answer. Have a good week by the way. God Bless You.

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