
What purpose does the starter-plunger serve for the carberator on a 2001 polaris sportsman 90 2 cycle?

by Guest57390  |  earlier

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My sons four wheeler intermittently loses power at the top end. It reminds me of a four barrel carborator only running on 2. When I tapped on this electronic piece(Starter-Plunger) it will run strong again for 3-4 minutes then it slows down again and I repeat the process. I have cleaned the carb. the plug is clean. Fuel/air mixture is adjusted. muffler is clear. Could this "starter-plunger" cause this to occur if it was not working properly? I'm not familuar with what it does... any ideas? thx for any help!




  1. i agree with slambob, that's the "choke"

  2. I'm not a polaris expert but I think that widget floods the carb, to be used in conjunction with or instead of the choke for initial cold starting.

    It other words you still have a blocked jet in the carb.

    Or the mixture adjustment needs more attention (towards richer).

    If you stay on the gas will it continue to run? In other words does it usually fade when you return to idle? If so I would focus on the idle mix.

    The main jet (used at 1/4 throttle and up) is generally not even adjustable, so crappy running at half throttle should be dirt.

    Another possibility is that the float level is set too low, cutting off the fuel too early and starving the jets. This sometimes happens by accident when cleaning a carb, if you set it down on the bench or give it a good bump.

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