
What purpose or benefit would derive from banning abortion?

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What purpose or benefit would derive from banning abortion?




  1. Banning abortions would do little to stop them. Abortions were illegal for centuries and yet abortions were done all the time. Legally just made it a tiny bit safer. Doctors have performed them since the beginning of time.

    The benefit would be that we wouldn't have to listen to hypocrates that don't adopt screaming that all children should be born. But they'd just chose something else and start again.

    Let's put it this way. Many who stand and scream with their church must not fully believe in what they scream about. In private polls most do not want abortions to become illegal. Even those who cannot stand up to their church and proclaim how they really feel.

    Doctors who performed them on the sly for centuries would once again make a great amount of profit from it. Nothing illegal is ever stopped. Look at drugs. Look back on prohibition. It would make some doctors very rich. And for anyone who couldn't afford that, they'd simply claim that they were raped and it was a rape baby. Which many pro-choicers seem ok with. If it came down to it, some would claim it was a molestation baby if that's what it took. The same amount of abortions would be done, you just wouldn't be able to find them on the books.  

  2. You can ban it all you will still happen. So, I guess the answer is none.

  3. Pro-life people claim abortion is murder, so the benefit would be less murder.

    Pro-choice people claim the detriment would be back-alley abortions and unwanted births.

  4. nothing good. there would be SO MANY teen mothers and they would be screwed for their life.

    People make mistakes and as much as abortion is bad it does help make many peoples lives better.

  5. why not have a license to have a baby at least then the child has been planned and wanted  

  6. lots fo dead woman and malformed , unwanted babies

  7. Adoptive parents wouldn't have to spend their life's savings to have a child, some women might be less promiscuous. Teens will still have s*x and if they wanted an abortion they would just go underground to irresponsible dr.s who could just butcher them without consequences.  

  8. You would be saving the lives of innocent children - and there are other options for teenage girls other than raising children themselves.  They can put the child up for adoption so that it goes to a family who cannot have children themselves.  

  9. The same benefit we derive from banning any other type of murder.  It might not put an end to it, but legally it could be treated as the murder case it is rather than some medical procedure.  Legally, the baby is treated as if it were part of the mother's body, like some kind of tumor or something.  I think this is the only topic about which I am not a libertarian.  People always point to the few cases where the mother would definitely die, and ok if it's an ectopic pregnancy than yeah one death is better than two, but the vast vast VAST majority or abortions are not that kind of situation.  And no, I'm NOT a republican, thank you.  I just think that any woman who would be willing to kill someone can very well risk having a horrible life threatening botched illegal abortion.

  10. I suppose pro-lifers would rest easy in their belief that no more babies can be murdered.

    Consider, though, that sometimes in order to save the mother's life an abortion needs to take place.  Is it fair for her to die for the sake of the child?

  11. ...let me think...less babies would lose their lives.

  12. It would save lives of unborn children. At a certain point in the pregnancy when it becomes a human and killing it would be  murder.

    But on the other hand, if you were raped or something and got pregnant you should not have to have a baby with all that trauma unless you want to. And even if you want to it may not be safe to the child because you may take out the anger you have on the attacker onto the child with out even noticing.

    I think that each circumstance is different and should be handled differently.

  13. Less humans dying. Potentially make people more responsible.

  14. None that I can see.  I think it's best that the people who have abortions kill their own kids because their kids would grow up to be just like them...selfish, arrogant and amoral.  Keep up the good work ladies.

  15. Babies would be saved.  And don't give me that c**p that women would have them in alleys anyway. Over 1.2 million babies are murdered from abortion every year.  Before 1973 it was nowhere and I mean nowhere near that.

  16. The primary benefit is that you're protecting the sanctity of human life. It seems that life has been devalued over the past 30 years.

    Secondly, if abortion is not used as birth control, people may think twice before they decide to have s*x with one another.

    Third, in the event an unwanted pregnancy does happen, putting the unwanted child up for adoption will shorten the lists and waiting times for those that are unable to have children.

    Finally, it may give the father the right to care for the child since he was as involved as the mother in the conception of the baby. Right now, a mother who chooses to abort doesn't need the father's permission. Since the child is as much his as it is hers, why is he excluded from this part of the decision-making process?

  17. Do you have ANY idea how many lives are destroyed from Abortion?

    NOT just the "baby".... or "fetus"... or any other phase of human development.

    I'm talking about the EMOTIONAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, and GUILT baggage that these girl spend YEARS dealing with that Planned Parenthood doesn't want to ever talk about.

  18. None, women would still get them any way.  They would just be illegal & less safe for the woman & the fetus.  You can't allow government to control this, China is a perfect example of this.

  19. There would be no benefit only misery for many women. Abortion would be driven under ground and babies abandoned by their mothers by such an action. I thought we'd moved on from the dark ages but if a small minority get their way that's where we are heading.

  20. The saving of millions of inocent lives.  Yea, yeah and all that no good homes thing, so wht is here a national waiting list to adopt girls from China?  

  21. by banning abortion, you have also banned murdering babies. abortion is a crime. what if your mom decided to abort you when you were just a fetus? what would you feel about that? if you haven't given a chance to see the world? we should respect life. life is the most important gift for us. the most important benefits are you saved a lot of lives and babies and you'll be loved by GOD by banning it. ^_^

  22. The benefits are enormous right now our populations are dwindling to nothingness. Countries that have allowed the killing of children are finding out they have nobody to work anymore.  Some countries are down to .97 births which means those countries and their people will disappear within a few more generations.

    Just because a human being cannot scream, nor ask for pity, doesn't stop it from being a human being.  Only selfish people have abortions, even rape victims carry to term then give the child up for adoption.

    Human life should never be so cheap we think its okay to kill.

    But the Father of Lies have many convinced that its a good thing, its not good for the mother, the father or the child. It causes sorrow, pain, suffering and when each country slowly disappears people will wonder what went wrong.

  23. it would make all the Chauvenists who believe women dont have the right to control their bodies happy.

    that and we would probably overpopulate from teen pregnancy,

  24. Because the end of the world is coming and abortion is part of the great terrible evil that makes the world deserving of destruction

  25. Other than in the cases of incest and rape it would put the burdon of birth control back in the hands of the couples that chose to have s*x. While I agree to some extent that it is the womans choice.I still believe that it is murder. I think the cxhoice should ony come into play when s*x was not the womans choice. IE Rape and incest. In the case of Mothers heath it should be up to her then also. However that is only the case in 1 out of 3000 bitths. My personal opiinion would be that if someone aborted my child I think that I could actually resort to murder myself.  

  26. Nothing good would come of abortion being illegal. Nothing at all. Women who really wanted abortions would do it illegally and risk injury to themselves.  

  27. Men would have more control over women... and the religious right would be closer to a theocracy.

    This is my opinion. Surely giving thumbs down to an opinion is contrary to turning the other cheek or loving thy neighbour. Go for it, just recognise your inconsistency as you do it. :P

  28. you gotta be kidding. uh-mm, that's a tuffy. had to think about that for, oh, maybe two seconds. HOW ABOUT A LIFE. A LIVING HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Women would have to behave more responsibly.

  30. Its a very hot topic but I am very  much against banning it unless its partial birth abortions, those I am against. While I couldn't get an abortion myself I would not want to see women forced into carrying pregnancies to full term against their will. Also there r cases (as we all know) in which it would be understandable such as rape or incest.  I do have a concern for woman going back to getting those back alley coat hanger abortions, risking their health, fertility and lives in order to get them. Personally, I don't see much benefit to it at all in the grand scheme of things. Women are goin to get them whether or not it is banned if they really want them.  

  31. Stopping people from killing innocent babies, making people think about using protection because you can't just go murder your unborn child when your done.

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