
What purpose would the present serve if you could see the future?

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assuming if the future is fixed of course




  1. in a present moment you cannot see the future you can create the future as you wish, just knowing that it will be a moment of creation..not any further.for you are creating any moment.You may forsee a future only living in a past...then call it Fate.

  2. The purpose would lie soley in the experience; It would be like watching a movie, you couldn't change the course of events, but you would be changed by those events.

    This is, in fact, the reality I believe in--that everything is laid out in advance and that the experience produces the end that the Creator has in mind for us: an expansion of consciousness.  That's all.

  3. Well, in my opinion, there is no set future. The universe is ruled by cause and effect. So, the purpose of the present is to make choices that reflect the future that you want; Like Karma.

  4. The present is the means to get to the future. If I saw the future, the first thing I would think is naturally, "how did we get there!".

  5. Easy: To provide a future for someone viewing us now from the past.

  6. It would be like kitchen prep work.  You know what is going to happen, but you still need to prepare for it. However,  the future is not fixed, which kind of screws up my answer and the question.  If you could see the future, I believe it would be a " possible " future, so that prep work could be very important to the overall outcome.

  7. The present is more important than the future. There is no such thing as a fixed future and to even imagine doesn't make any since. a fixed future means that life is based on fate which I'de rather die than believe. I believe in destiny!! I believe we have the power to make destiny!! I believe god agrees with me! PRESENT FTW!

  8. For there to be a future, there has to be a present.

  9. It's my belief that Prophecy does exist as God's gift to a chosen few that HE allows to see future events---so to forewarn us of what MAY happen IF we don't "heed" the visions seen.  In effect, Prophecy doesn't necessairly mean the visions CAN come true---just that it WILL be so IF we carry on, against God's will, the track of events that LEAD up to THAT prophecy.

    Prophecy is NOT psychic ability.  The two are alike, but different.  Psychic ability is also God's gift---done on a smaller personal scale---to allow one to help people steer clear of danger or help victims of danger and be a "middleman" source of communication between the living and dead.  And like Prophecy, psychic ability can spare someone from befalling tragic fates IF the vision(s) are respected.

  10. Knowing the future helps you plan in the now, so that the future can change and you won't make 'that' mistake.  And than you will have a different (better) outcome.


  11. if that were possible, both fixed future and seeing it.

    then it would be exactly like watching the previews and then going to see the movie in the theatre when it comes out.  you would be nothing more than a spectator. which i guess, as i see it anyways, is not really that far from the truth in a way

  12. The purpose is a linear way of thinking I guess.  But that's only because our brains are set up that way.  Without our left hemispheres we'd live solely in a "moment", perceiving all the bits of information around us or lack of perception probably, since our left hemispheres are also responsible for pixelating objects, setting and defining boundaries, etc.

  13. Even if we could see the future, we would still need to live in the present, "live each day as it comes" as the saying goes. Because if we constantly think about what the future will bring, how can we enjoy the present (today). So the present will always serve a purpose, because it is what we are living right now and not what will happen later...

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