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What was the moment that you knew you where your horses person?

Not things like "When I first saw....."

I want, when did your horse show you that it picked you.

For me it was a few years ago, we where helping a neighbor get some body's bull out of their pasture. After chasing the bull around the 500 acer field for two hours, I finally got my chance to dab my loop on him. Unfortunately there where 7 other people involved with the affair that had no freaking idea how do deal with a loose bull let alone how to freaking rope. I go my rope on the bull and had him moving out when, one of the idiots, who was there for no reason cut in font of my mare and she ducked to miss them. That's when the bull got slack, and came after us. Before we could do anything about it he was on us. And, gave us a bit of a toss. The amazing thing was as soon as we hit the ground she was back up. I was thrown out of the saddle. Before I got up and




  1. Well got my mare when I was younger so I don't really remember and I rescued my gelding so I think I was his person from the beginning. Now my sisters horse picked us. We were looking for her first horse and went to a dealer to look at a few horses. There were about 50 horses in a little pasture and we had a few that we liked that were in our price range. We went out with the dealer to get the horses we wanted to try and while we were standing there a chestnut horse came up to us and started following us around. most of the other horses stayed away but he came up and joined in on our circle. He wouldn't leave us alone but he was a lot more expensive than we wanted to pay so we didn't take him out. After having no success with the other horses we decided to give Mick a try. my sister fell in love with him and we took him home. He helped my sister out so much and helped her get her confidence back so he was definately worth it. unfortunately, about 3 years later after a lot of lameness we found out that he had navicular. I'd hate to think of where he would be today.  we like to think that he knew we'd take of him despite his disease and that he knew that my sister needed a friend more than a riding partner which he definately succeeded at. despite his lameness he turned out to be the perfect horse for her and will have a home for the rest of his life, all because he picked her.

  2. Thats so kewl about you and your horse, i knew that Lark was meant to be my horse when i was 4, lark is my neighbors horse and they've owned him for about 7 yrs now, but i'm really excited cause were planning to buy him this fall :] Well my neighbor was babysitting me and she knew i was in love with horses so she asked me if i wanted to try to ride her horse (at the time lark was EXTREMELY skittish and would spook at a grasshopper, literally) so i got on him bareback, and i attempted to ride him, so i was on him for about 5 minutes then he spooked at a piece of paper flying across the pasture. and usually he would take off bucking and running combined but all that happened was he shot his head up and then he looked back to see if i was still there. and the very next day he spooked when my neighbor tried to ride him, and she broke her arm. And after that i knew, i could trust lark with my life, even though my parents still think i'm crazy for loving him and they also don't trust him at all. but i do i would trust him with my life, also whenever i loose my balance becuase he tripped or something as soon as he feels me start to fall forward he slows down and then he comes to a stop, and looks back to see if i'm ok. I know it sounds crazy but i kinda see Lark as my guardian angel, he's always there to dry my tears with his mane when i'm sad, and if i just sit in his stall beside his feet and lean on his shoulder he stands still and even rests his head on my shoulder or my head. This is how i know he cares.

  3. When she was just a weanling in 2001 but still at her dams side.

    She seen me get out of my car 10 acres away.  She'd leave her dam and come over to the next field to meet me.  Not worried a bit about making that long hike all alone.  She was focused on me and nothing but me.

    This was before I bought her.  I just worked there at the breeding farm.

    The second time was when I quit smoking so my husband would purchase her for me as incentive.  The deal was...if I started smoking then he sold her.

    That was in 2003.

    The third time was when I made a dumb mistake, and she kicked me in the fall of 2003.  

    story:  Sometimes I let her just walk around the barn area while I prepared the hay for the field.  I forgot to close the grain room or my son had just gone in there and she followed.

    He couldn't get her to back out.  Just her butt was sticking out of the door.  The wall was solid so she had no idea I was coming up beside her rump.  She couldn't hear me either.

    I touched her ontop of her rump and she let me have it.

    I was on the ground and couldn't move.

    She flew backwards, seeing me there and she thought that the monster that landed on her attacked me.

    She walked around snorting a few feet from me but came back and stood over the top of me snorting and nuzzling me.  Standing guard.  Ever since this happened I have not been right.  Sick (neck/spine?) and Dr.s have no idea what to do or say.

    Fourth time:

    She spooked and I had to ditch or she was going to spin over on top of me.  She was undecided of whether to stay with me and my friend or run with the other spooked horse (that was the culprit of this fiasco).

    She would run a few yards, stop and wait...look at the younger horse and run after him for a few yards....finally she just ran after him once she seen me up and walking.

    She waited for me at the end of the dirt road about a mile away at the stop sign.

    I remounted and we walked home.  I think she was pleased I caught up.  Lots of sighs. :)

    She's my baby.  Never sell her and I have it in my will that I am to be buried with her mane and tail (which I will shave at her time of death if she goes first)

    She saved my life (smoking) and my mind (2nd best friend)

  4. geez thats quite a story ...scary! lol

    aw what a mare you have there too ^ . ^

    anyways I was horse searching for  a new  english prospect horse! my freind of course just got  this 17.2 TB gelding, and she was trying to sell him! so of course being the good freind that I am i rode him and tried him out..and he was very untrained, and very very green but he was so and gentle! i thought MAYBE i did  like him but i wasn't in LOVE with him I wanted a horse that when i first saw the horse they would come running up to me and it would be love at first sight, but no, her TB didn't want anything to do with me or anyone else.. he was just left alone most of the time while all the other horses were being messed with so i figured he liked his solitude..

    anyways i went out to go see another horse.she was the prettiest palomino! she was gorgeous and she stole my eyes because she was like the picture perfect horse.. she was green broke too but in alot better shape than the TB anyways i rode her I liked her but nah i didn't really fall in love with her

    over a period of 2 months went by still horse searching i still hadn't found that perfect horse! grr! anyways i was frustrated and my freind still hadn't sold her TB! so everytime i went to  my freinds house i petted him and just a little pat, sometimse when i rode with her i used him only because her other horses were taken or prego..somewhere else.. i dunno i just rode him everytime we went riding together

    everytime i saw him i swear he remembered me and he would nicker when he saw me and come runnin up to me.. i thought that was sweet well  i guess just over a period of time i started comparing every horse i rode to my freinds TB! his name is Ace btw

    when i tried out a horse i was like nope can't buy this horse because he's not as smart as Ace..nope can't get this horse because he's not as tall as ace..nope can't get that horse she's  a mare and Ace is  a gelding

    over time i guess we just grew closer together we didn't have any connections at FIRST but i just gave him a little bit of attention and he gave me his whole heart... thats why i fell in love with my horse..and now he's mine and we're best of freinds!

    he' s my horse because when he hears me or sees me he comes  runnin! when its someone else he looks for me but then goes back to grazing..he always always likes to sticj his head through my arm so i'll pet his face he LOVES his forehead being rubbed lol sometimes he falls asleep

    he gets nervous when other people ride him, but is the perfect  gentle man when i ride him..if another horse comes up to me so i can pet them .. he pinns his ears and lunges at them ...he is very overprotective of me and gets jealous really easy lol but i'm sure if someone else gave him the attention i  give ace then he'd be there horse too...but for now he's mine and i am his!

    not as exciting as your story but oh well! hahah

  5. What a fantastic story, your horse, girlfriend sounds like a real wonderful mare, mine was with my qh stallion when he was 5 days old. My friend breeds them and i went to see the new drop of foals, he was running around like a goose and my friend said "i cant get near that little t**d, will get rid of that one asap" I went into the paddock and he came straight over to me and followed me everywhere, he even tried to get out of the paddock and called out for me. I kept visiting him and when he was six months (i had been putting work into him) my friend said he would be getting sold soon, i offered to buy him but she said no hes too naughty. I stopped visiting him because my heart was broken, then a couple of years ago on boxing day my friend came to visit me with her float on the back and she unloaded my boy and said "your the only one he trusts have the bugger". We became totally inseparable and i did all the work with him, he was so quiet and everyone could not believe he was a stallion because he was so quiet, sadly i had an injury at work and i can no longer ride so i had to sacrifice my boy and i still cry every day, but the guy who has him treats him well and loves him but its not the same. I have just weaned his only foal to my mare who i also had to sell and she is the most perfect filly Ive ever seen, sadly i am now putting her up for sale too.

  6. On the occasions when I fell off , my horse nuzzled me on the cheek - like to ask if I was okay. Same horse liked to give horse kisses. That's how I knew she liked me too - by how affectionate she was toward me.  I also knew she had chosen me as her person because towards other people, she could be mean - pin her ears back and act like she was going to bite .( If you came to her stall and she had'nt met you and we were'nt around to make introductions)

  7. Im not my horses person.

    Thats why im selling him.

    Ive had him for over a year and he hates my guts. He is fine with everyone else but is fairly aggressive with me.

    I know its something ive done/ am doing but i cant figure it out and ive tried everything i know. Im too busy to spend every waking hour getting him to trust and respect me.

    I figure maybe he'll find his person elsewhere

    Its a shame though. Ill miss the boy.

  8. I guess the moment I knew that my horse chose me was this past winter. During the whole time I've owned him, I either just had a baby or was pregnant. My oldest daughter and him will both be turning 3 around the same time, and my youngest is going on 1. He's always been the most gentle horse that I've known. When I was pregnant this past time he would always pay special attention to my belly and kept the other horses away from me. I can walk around aimlessly in our large pasture and he'll be right there. He's the best friend that a girl could ask for.

    The only thing, he's not fond of my husband, has never liked him one bit. He's gotten better since we gelded him a few months ago, he's more tolerant of my husband. But this past March my husband wanted to exercise the fresh out of him. My G-Man is a short little cutting horse, with quick feet and much to strong for his tiny stature. My husband hadn't learned to ride until he and I started dating 4 years ago and hasn't riden much since we got pregnant with our 1st.

    My husband made the stupid mistake of not tightening the girth enough, and not lowering the stirrups enough. He figured he'd just take him on a short hack and wouldn't bother with the stirrups. I'm a short 5 foot and my husband is 5'10''. G-man is broke to ride, gentle as can be, has never humped up, crow hopped, or rooted. But his little feet are just mighty fast, as a cutting horses feet should be. After a warm-up my husband asked G-man to go up a gear, and when you ask G-man to go faster, HE'LL GO FAST! This caught my husband off guard, and shifted the saddle(I call it the G Force effect) and the saddle when to the side with my husband in tow with his foot stuck in the stirrup(as many times as I tell him "your feet don't go in that far", he still shoves his foot way in there). I'm about a good football field length away from them with my 6 month baby on my hip. I start screaming for my husband because I half thought that G-Man would take off in the opposite direction, dragging my hubby. G-Man had halted once my hubby hit the ground, but when I started screaming this look came over him and I guess he thought that I was hurt or in trouble and quickly turned towards me, being careful to step over my hubby who was struggling to get his foot free, and took off to me. He got about 20 yards with my hubby in tow, thank god he got his foot loose, but G-Man kept his paces with the saddle up under him until he got to me.

    To this day I don't know why he loves me so much, but I'm thankful everyday that I have that kind of love from a horse. I know that no matter what, this horse loves me and would do anything for me. You can't beat that love.

  9. Sweet horse you have! I hope I have one of these moments. I'm still working on getting my horse to respect me which he doesn't at all.

  10. For me it was different.  I came from a family of people who had no interest in horses.  There must be a genetic component to what makes me a horse person though, because I was born to love horses.  From the first time I saw one on television, I'm told I was hooked.  The back of our couch was my horse, with shoestring reins and pillowcase saddles. I envy you your moment , kevin, because I'd love to have one of those.  But my relationship with horses...when I knew I would always have them in my life....started before I'd ever even seen one in the flesh.  At 2 I got a rocking horse...named Harry the Hairless Horse.  I still have kids and grandkids have all ridden him.  I guess when I first saw Harry, he knew I was his person and I knew he was my horse.

  11. Well, I've only been a horse owner for a few months, but I know when my horse picked me.  She was in her stall one day and I was grooming her.  The horse in the next stall and my horse did not get a long and had been fighting off and on.  Well, something happened and my horse spooked.  She litterally bunny hopped in to the air and almost landed on me.  It was then that it seemed she remembered I was there because then she moved over and and then put her head on my shoulder and started nuzzling.  That's when I knew.

  12. I pulled  a starved 7yo Tb cross  that weighed 600lbs out of a 200x 200 foot pen he was being kept in.  On our vets advice I had to walk him home 6 miles ( took all day to do it) because he was to weak to stand in a trailer. ( owner was reported by the vet for animal cruelty).

    A year and 600lbs of weight later,  I was riding him down the road training for a competitive, and we passed the house he came from.   He Refused to go up the drive, tried to kick the owner when he came out and then he walked down the road.  Then I knew MacBeth understood, where he'd been, and where he was.  He went on to play football, hide and seek and would torture people he didnt know by chewing his way down the lead rope.  up their arms and even into their hair if they didnt stop him.  He won numerous compititions, did level 2 dressage.  Put two girls thru 4-h pony clubs, walked in parade's and even was in two historical movies, where they needed a big GOLD buckskin for the king.

  13. I was about 4 years old.

    My parents and I were standing on one side of a white split board fence looking at a mare and her brand new palomino filly.

    I was only about as high as the first board and that filly came right over to me since we were just about the same size and stuck her head through the fence.

    I hugged her right around the neck....cute huh?


    she panicked, threw it into reverse pulling us both through the fence with me holding on and gave a few cow hops before I let go and falling on my bum.

    I was scraped up from the fence and crying.

    That filly then came back over to me and nudged me like she was'm sorry....

    She was my first and I will always remember her.

  14. Well, I knew Rudy was ment to be my horse when... Everytime I would ride him he would only go a certain speed. When ever my sister rode him he went WAY faster and my dad, evn FASTER! He babysat me, he would only do what he thought I could handle! He was the best thing in my life. The sad but still heart warming thing was that Rudy died with all my secrets!

    *Rudy was a 17.1 hand Appendix and I was 5-8 years old and my chin came up to his belly! He was the greatest horse I will have EVER had!

  15. i had a horse that anytime he would trip or stummble he would make sure not to fall all the way he would manage to go forword on his knees put his head back and grab my pant leg, i guess he thought he was helping me stay on

  16. I was out in the barn and my (insert profanity here) ex-hubby came out yelling at me and got me in a corner.  All I had was a broken off pitchfork in my right hand and was mind racing "should I do it" when my beloved gelding came up behind him and grabbed him between the neck and shoulder-you know that tender spot-and the ex yelped and horse threw him across the barn.  I hopped on the gelding with only a halter and rode to the neighbors with my dog following.  Called the cops and to make a long story short, I think he's still in prison for some other "genius" moment.  My horse was saying that nobody messes with my person!  Now that this horse is old, hopefully I am returning the favor by doing everything I can to keep him comfortable and happy.  He deserves it.
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