
What qualifications do i need to become a policeman (england)?

by  |  earlier

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I've searched around on the net and i presume you need the basic gcse's i.e. english science and maths, but no where tells me what you need.





  1. That's all you need... GCSE's in Maths, science and english

    The programme of becoming a policeman is very long and thus you don't need an special qualifications. In fact my friends brother applied when he was 18, now he's a C.S.O!

    Only problem is the high rates of people applying... You'll be lucky to get a job soon.

  2. As some one has already answered the Police Could You website will answer all your questions.

    However, as a bit of advice, if you want to join a Police force, the best route in now is by becoming a Police Community Support Officer for a year first. Then applying to become a full blown Constable.

    Good luck.

  3. Where I work you don't need any formal qualifications but maths and english GCSE grade C or above is helpful as it means you won;t have to take any literacy or numeracy tests when you apply.

    What they are looking for is common sense, a bit of life experience and people skills.  They can train you with the law stuff.

  4. Police recruitment is a nightmare. Yes, there aren't real requirements listed, (besides basic GCSEs) but the process is very long and very hard. There are more and more graduates joining up now, but that doesn't mean you must have a degree.

    There are other things you must be aware of, like not having any kind of criminal record, and also not having any major financial problems.

    Also given how hard it is to join, don't commit yourself to only your local force, look nationwide. I know that's not ideal, but police forces get so many applicants. The last time my force opened recruitment, they had to close the phone-line after about 3 hours, because they'd run out of application forms.

    Have you thought about being a Special for a while first, to see what the job is like? And finally be patient. I work as a civilian for my force, and recruitment for that took a whole year.  

  5. If you cant find this basic information out then I wouldent bother turning up for the initiative test Sherlock!.

  6. You would need at least a C in english maths and science at GCSE level..

    you would then need to go onto A Levels.. And study maybe

    chemistry, biology, maths, physics

    or maybe

    Chemistry, Maths, English Biology

    These types of subjects would be seen as most important :)

    then go to uni and study a degree in criminal justice, political science etc you can get more information from perhaps science teachers at school or college x

  7. The way things are going with positive discrimination you only need to be a woman or an ethnic minority.

    You don't even have to be that fit or strong since they have reduced the p**s poor fitness test in case it upsets the fat people.

  8. No formal qualification are needed but they have specifics for other things,  good credit report, fitness needs to be relatively high and you have to be a British citizen. the website is below that tells you what you need!

  9. First you need a frontal labotomy

  10. Yea, like someone said, thats it.

    And common sense . .

    And you cant exactly be scrawny . .

    Good luck



  11. You will need to be Racist, Sexist, and not very bright.

    You will need to have been Bullied at School ,

    and lost your dinner money on a day to day basis.

    You will need a HUGE chip on your shoulder, and an impotent, raging desire to "get them all back" for every slight, real or imagined.

    You will also need to have a sense of Personal Inadaquacy, that comes from knowing that you really ARE inadequate. If you are male, having repressed Homosexual desires will help. If Female, you stand a much better chance if you are a Stereotypical Bull d**e.

    If you enjoy causing Physical Pain to People, but you're not really any good at Scrapping, thats good, because they won't let you go out unless you are tooled up. You'll get Mace, an Asp ( LOOK IT UP,THICKY) a taser, and a chance at Firearm training.

    This should compensate for your complete lack of any type of spine, and cater for your lust for power.

    It does mean, however, that you will be lied to, hated, and despised by every member of the Public you ever meet, you will never have any friends outside the force, and the ones you do have, will be Coppers, pretty much like yourself, with the same twisted fuckedup personality disorders as yourself.

    Which is just about all you deserve.

    Good Luck anyway, and may God have Mercy on your Soul.

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