
What qualifications do you need to be a teacher in america?

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Hi i was thinking of moving to america and teaching music .

I was wondering if i get a degree over here (ireland) will that stop me from getting a teaching job in america?

I could if i had to move to america to get my degree there.

would this be best?




  1. Well, America has some pretty crazy restrictions on teaching licenses due to the No Child Left Behind act. The federal government requires that all teachers be "highly qualified" but what that means differs from state to state. This means that if I get a teaching license in New York, I might not be able to teach in California. I don't know how rigorous the program is in Ireland, and I don't know how it would transfer over here. Due to the inconsistency within the states, however, your best bet would be to move here to the US, preferrably where you want to teach music. Another warning: Many schools are cutting their funding for Music- music teaching jobs are few and far between here in the US. Good luck!

  2. Ah... this really would depend on each state regs.  I do know that you can come and work for the NYC schools in the fellowship program, depending on your current education level.  

    For NYC here is a link for international teachers:

    Alternately, you could go to school in NY and they will pay for your college with a commitment of I think six years, this is the fellowship program:

    I would check with other large metro areas, like DC, San Francisco, some places in Georgia, New Orleans, etc to find out what their criteria is.  Like I said, each state is different and good luck.

  3. four years in education degree, mayor in music

  4. you should buy a mad donkey

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