
What qualifications do you need to become a flute teacher?

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  1. Why The h**l would u want to become a flute teacher?

  2. HI x13x,   Well, obviously you play the flute or you would not be asking the question.   But you have to know what it takes to get a student from point A to point Z.  I mean you have to know everything the student will have to learn to become a good flute player, too.   You will have to know the types of books,  the exercises,  the studies for improving all of the skills.  You will have to know how to motivate the student...  cause, if that student is not excited about learning how to play and play well... she will not practice for you.   You will probably have to get some college music classes behind you, because otherwise you have no "real qualifications" when the parent asks you where and when you were trained.  So,  that is the long and the short of it.  Teaching flute is a challenge for the teacher, as learning flute is for the student.  :))

  3. If you only want to give private lessons, like from your home, you just need to know how to play the flute really well and how to explain it to someone else.

    If you want to teach in a school, you will need a degree in music education and probably pass the NTE (National Teaching Exam).

    Remember that just because you can do something well, it doesn't mean that you can teach someone else how to do it.

  4. You have to know how to play the flute!!

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