
What qualifications does a student from germany need to study law in england?

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What qualifications does a student from germany need to study law in england?




  1. Hey!

    The website is the official website to help out students who wish to study in England. Keep your requisite document like the high school diploma, passports, etc ready. You will need to prove your English Language Proficiency. I think you will need a B level on the Common European Framework for Languages. should help you out. The IELTS is the test to the best of my opinion

    All the best!

  2. Do you mean an LLB (hons)? It depends where you study. As we're all in the EU, I think most qualifications done in another EU country can be used but you will need to check. If you're going in at 18, many universities ask for A levels from British students. If you're a mature student you don't always need the same qualifications. Many mature students who don't have the qualifications do an Access course that is equal to the A levels. I think they do those courses at colleges of further education. I have just taken a Certificate in Law with the Open University. You can always study in your own time with tutorials once a month with the Open University but it takes longer. I wish I had done it full time really.

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