
What qualifies an alarmist to be a dietitian, car salesman, or a government regulatory body?

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What's up with these control freaks?




  1. Alarmist think they are better people than you or me.  This is why they have no problem telling you how you should live your life.

  2. My experience with control freaks is they have a great deal of insecurity and need to be needed.   I know I was once one of them in the rat race of manufacturing and now I spend time with my family where I am loved.

  3. You won't find many alarmists in those roles.

    But they totally dominate the ranks of scientists.  The vast majority of scientists are quite alarmed by global warming.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    It doesn't matter WHERE their salary comes from, the vast majority of scientists know this is real.

    EDIT - If you saw an avalanche headed downhill, threatening to bury your family, would you "recommend and promote" action?

  4. Agreed. I love how the alarmists say a scientist who denies AGW is being paid off by the oil companies. But the scientist who is paid off (by grants) by the government knows the real truth. Funny how that works.

  5. The "alarmists" you refer to exist only in your characterizations:

    "Name-calling is a form of ad hominem attack that draws a vague equivalence between a concept and a person, group or idea. By linking the person or idea being attacked to a negative symbol, the propagandist hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence."*t...

    For illustrative purposes, here's what it looks like reflected back at you:

    What qualifies a global warming denialist to play propagandist, negatively characterizing others as alarmists?

    What qualifies a denial alarmist to play psychologist on the Internet, as many do here?

    What qualifies them to doom the rest of us to high food prices, riots and anarchy, and possible extinction?  

    Yeah... what's up with these denialist control freaks?


    Calling me insecure is a nice touch.  Naming your tactics hit a little too close to home?

    LOL, sticks and stones, Buddy.

    I don't care if your questions center around cheap propaganda techniques.  Polarizing questions often bring polarized answers, Kharma... do unto others... whatever, you reap the seeds you sow.  

    You can do better.  You'll make your point more effectively without the cheap mud-slinging.

  6. They have a concept on how the world should be, and they do not want to entertain any other notion.

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