
What qualifies as modern day socialism in your eyes?

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I've been hearing a lot of the word, socialist thrown around lately. And the way some people use it, it seems as if the meaning changed since the time of the Cold War.

What are your opinions, and regards to this?




  1. Make yourself happy and then others and try to maintain peace in the system.

  2. A system of government where the people who've worked hard to provide for themselves help support the lazy and the stupid.

  3. Hi,

    Criticising opponents in every walk of life and shower promises

    to BPL families.This is the only proficiency required.

  4. Workers' control of the means of production.

    NOT state/bureaucratic control. NOT capitalist/plutocratic control.

    Historically, supporters of socialism have varied from opponents of the state (like Proudhon or Bakunin) to supporters of it (like Engels), as well as from supporters of completely free markets (like Proudhon or Tucker) to supporters of planned economies (like Marx) to supporters of free access to common means of production (like Kropotkin).

  5. Social Security is one good example.

    We have quite a few instances of socialism in our government and our society.  We've had it for years but for some reason it's a big fat problem now.  In other words, it's not a big fat problem.

  6. The platform of the Democratic Party, which is very depraved.

  7. A society where the people rely on support from the government for health care, retirement, employment, and life in general. Serious George Orwell stuff.

  8. lots of government programs like SS, health care, etc

    a lot of meshing of large corporations with government, like freddie mac.  only it would be like with exxon, walmart, etc too.  In effect large corporations would be nationalized making it harder for small companies to succeed.

    increased taxes of course.  government directed mandates like what i can have my temp at in my house, how much energy i can use, etc.

    generally the stuff that barak and pelosi have been discussing as of late.

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